«Весна — лето 2025»


Английский язык, разработки по английскому языку

Специально для учителя английского языка. Смотрите и скачивайте бесплатно уроки, тесты, конспекты, презентации, планы, мероприятия и прочие полезные материалы по английскому языку.

Тravelling - реферат


Scientific and technological advances of the twentieth century allow people to overcome time and distance, covering a huge expanse of our planet. The

Profession - реферат


Every person needs a profession in life. There are so many professions nowadays in the world that it won’t be a problem to find one suitable for
Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Nature - реферат


Nature is one of the broadest concepts. It includes the light of distant stars, vast expanses of the oceans, forests and meadows, roaring waterfalls,

Holidays in the USA - реферат


It is always worth seeing a country during a national festival or holiday. In this situation you get the whole feeling of atmosphere that country can

Holidays in Russia


Every culture has its own traditions and customs. Having annual holidays of public and religious significance is a part of these traditions. Russian p

Holidays in England


Holidays are a part of every culture. Knowing them, we can learn more about local people and their way of life. Traditional holidays may reflect not o

Olympic Games - реферат


The Olympic Games are the largest international sports competitions, featuring winter and summer sports. They take place every four years at different

Сlothes - реферат


Since ancient times clothing is one of our basic needs. It is difficult to name the exact date when people started thinking of proper clothes, but alr

Education - реферат


The system of education is an important part of country’s well-being. That’s why it is crucial to optimize education. It’s obvious t

About Myself - реферат


My formula for living is quite simple: I’m a cheerful and happy person in whatever situation I may find myself. It partially reveals my characte

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