«Весна — лето 2025»

English lesson in the 3rd grade "Residence: Where does my friend live?"

План-конспект урока английского языка в 3 классе по теме "Местожительство. Где живет мой друг?"

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

План-конспект урока в 3 классе по теме:

«Местожительство. Где живет мой друг.»

Цель: способствовать формированию условия для развития и совершенствования навыков монологической и  диалогической речи.


образовательные:создание условий для отработки навыков монологической и диалогической речи, совершенствования знаний букв алфавита.

развивающие:создать условия для развития коммуникативной культуры учащихся.

воспитательные: прививать положительное отношение и интерес к изучению английского языка.

Вид занятия: комбинированный урок.

Оборудование: карточки с названиями стран и новой лексикой (Africa, America, Belarus, Britain, Where are you from? -I’m from Belarus.), карта мира,

Ход урока


Задача этапа

Содержание этапа

Организационный момент

Введение учащихся в атмосферу иноязычного общения

Start a round. T: My name’s Tatiana Ivanovna. P1: Her name’s Tatiana Ivanovna. My name’s Anton.

P2: Her name’s Tatiana Ivanovna. His name’s Anton. My name’s Dasha. Etc.

Song ‘What’s his name?’

Sight reading of family members

Проверка домашнего задания

Совершенствование навыков чтения

Let’s check homework..

Основной этап

Vocabulary and grammar presentation


Arrange the flashcards of the characters on the board and ‘speak’ to them.

T: Mr.Compy, where are you from?

T (for Mr. Compy): I’m from America. Peter, where are you from?

T (for Peter): I’m from Africa. Mrs. Read, where are you from?

T (for Mrs. Read): I’m from Britain.

T: Children, where are you from?

T (for pupils): We’re from Belarus.

Show the countries on the map, and encourage pupils to repeat, recapping the countries.

Checking understanding

Check understanding the question and the answer in Russian.


[r] – brother, granny, grandad, America, Britain, Africa, from, where are you from?

Stand in the central position with the flashcards of countries. First, pupils read the words from the side ‘picture-and-word’; then, they read from the side ‘word only’.

Pupils read aloud, in unison.

Picture dictionary (PB ex. 1)

Read the words together and then set up reading in pairs.

Pair work

Give out the flashcards of characters to different pupils and demonstrate a short conversation with a confident pupil.

T: Hello, Mrs. Read, where are you from?

P: I’m from Britain. Etc.


Релаксация, смена вида деятельности

Now it’s time for resting.

Stand up please.

Clap your hands.

Stamp your feet.

Jump up high.

Turn around.

Wave your hand.

Seat down, please.

Основной этап. Чтение

Совершенствование навыков чтения.


B p. 73, ex. 2a


Introduce the situation. Nikita, a Belarusian boy, meets Mike and they get acquainted.

T: What questions do they ask?


T: Listen and point.



Mike: Hello. What’s your name?

Nikita: My name’s Nikita. What’s your name?

Mike: I’m Mike.


Mike: Where are you from?

Nikita: I’m from Belarus.

Peter: I’m from Belarus! I’m from Belarus!


Mike: No, Peter. You’re from Africa. He’s from Belarus.


Peter: I’m from Africa! I’m from Africa.


T: Is Peter from Belarus or from Africa?

Shared reading

See the full instruction in Unit 3, Lesson 1, Activity 2.

Insist that pupils put their index finger on the text and follow it as they read. Make your voice emotional and keep the English rhythm.

Divide pupils into three groups: Mike, Nikita and Peter.

PB p. 73, ex. 2b

Choose a role and read

Pupils read the text in groups of three

Основной этап. Грамматика

Изучение новой грамматики.

Grammar secret.

PB p. 74, ex. 3

Read the sentences together with pupils.

PB p. 74, ex. 4

Read and match

Read the sentences with numbers and then with letters. Demonstrate how to do the

task and arrange that pupils write the answers in their exercise-books.

PB p. 75 ex.5

Pait work

Pupils work in pairs. They speak in turns about the children in the pictures. Example:

Her name’s Alina. She’s from Belarus.

Moving activity.

Give out slips of paper with different countries. While you clap your hands, pupils mingle around the classroom. When you stop clapping, they stop and speak to the nearest classmate.

P1: Hello, where are you from?

P2: I’m from Britain. Where are you from?

P1: I’m from Africa.

Then you clap again and pupils start mingling.

Работа в печатной тетради. Отработка навыка восприятия речи на слух.

Workbook activities.

WB ex. 1A

Listen and tick


Elicit the names of the book characters: Winnie-the-Pooh, Bonifatsiy, Alice, Alyonka,

Mickey Mouse, Pilipka.


T: Listen and tick.



Hello! My name’s Winnie-the-Pooh. I’m from Britain.


Hi! I’m Bonifaciy. I’m from Africa. I love Africa.


Hello. My name’s Alice. I’m from Britain.


Hello! I’m Alyonka. I’m from Belarus.


Hi! I’m Mickey Mouse. I’m from America.


Hello! I’m Pilipka. I’m from Belarus.


Check pupils’ answers.

WB ex. 1B

Use the clues in ex. 1A and complete the sentences

Explain to pupils that the numbers of the sentences correspond to the pictures in ex.

Домашнее задание

Объяснение домашенго задания

PB, ex.6, p.75


Оценка и мотивация учащихся

Thank you for the lesson. Your work was great. The lesson is over, good bye! Your marks are . See you soon.

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