«Весна — лето 2025»

Educational system in England CONVERSATION CLUB

to introduce the educational system of UK and the structure a school. Discuss a video and compare with our educational system in Kazakhstan

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Technological card

Subject: English

The theme of the lesson: Educational system in England

The type of the lesson: combined

The form of the lesson: traditional

The aims of the lesson:

Educational aim: to remember some words about Educational system in England and to study the modal verb should ; to develop reading skills and speaking, translating; to instill a love of knowledge.

Up-bringing aim: to know many places of entertainment, to teach them to spend their leisure usefully visiting theatres.

Developing aim: to develop their word stock, knowledge, cognitive abilities to develop the students’ critical thinking and communicative competence.

Communicative aim: to practice their skills in speaking on the topic.

Inter-subject connection: country study, English literature

The methods of the teaching: demonstration, explanation, practice.

The equipment of the lesson:

The visual aids: mind maps, charts, semantic maps,

The distributive material: flash cards

The technical means: note book, a CD, slides, interactive board


  1. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (Third Edition ),

  2. Yu. Golitsynsky « Spoken English»

  3. V.D. Arakin «Практический курс английского языка» 2-курс

  4. S.Meiramova «Английсий язык»

  5. V.M.Pavlotsky “Read Learn Discuss” p.129-131

  6. M.M.Zhanpeyissova “ Modular technology of teachimg”,Almaty-2002

The plan of the lesson

  1. Introduction

  2. Warming up

  3. Practice (Group work)

3.1. Consolidation of the active vocabulary

Work with the interactive board

  1. Listening. Work with dialogues

  2. Reading .Work with the texts

  3. Production. Defense of their creative work.

  4. Problem for discussion. «What do you think of special and general equation ?”

  5. Writing. Translation of the fragments and giving their comments.

  6. Conclusion

The procedure of the lesson

  1. Introduction

  2. Warming up

1 min

1). Greeting.

II. Follow up Activities

1) Revising four types of question (in Past perfect continuous ) min

1 min.


The teacher will show pictures to the students in relation to the reading selection that they will read later on.The teacher will ask the following questions:1.What can you see in the picture?2.Is it healthy or not?3.How do you keep yourself healthy?


The teacher will distribute copies of the reading selection and will ask the students to read.The teacher will select students for each paragraph to read aloud “Health is Strength” by M.E. JacoboQuestions for Discussion:1.What does the writer mean by health?2.How important is health to an individual?

[t] – timetable, Tuesday, Art, subject, technology, Information technology;
[k] – clever, nickname, mark, speak, speak English, speak correctly;
[l] – literature, lesson, school, school uniform, learn, local;
[f] – form, foreign, foreign language, physical, physical education;
[h] – how, happy, homework, to do homework, history;
[e] – spend, technology, friend, help;


Good morning dear friends. Today we have a lesson in the form of the “Group work”. What is the theme of our lesson? Answer this question after watching video.

Pupils watch the video about schools in Great Britain, name the theme of the lesson and answer some questions:

1. When do children go to primary school?

2. When do children go to secondary school?

3. Do children go to school on Saturday?

4. When does school start?

5. Who studies at school?

6. What do they wear at school?

We speak about the education system in Great Britain. You do some activities, read the text, fill the blanks, make up texts and projects. Let’s divide in 3 groups.

Give me your ideas about the word school.

Make up the sentences using the words from this cluster.

II. Brainstorming

Teacher: Stand in a circle with one pupil in the center. (pupils go around and listen to the music, when it stops, they answer questions):

1. Is your school large or small?

2. How many floors does your school have?

3. What subjects do you study?

4. Do you wear a uniform?

5. What is your favourite subject?

6. Do you like your school?

7. How many lessons do you have?

III. Work over the text:

  1. New words:

primary school

secondary school

nursery school



to attend

  1. Pupils match parts of the text in groups.

Children in Britain start school when they are five. They stay at school until they are 16 or older. Children attend nursery school from the age of about 3, but these schools are not compulsory. Compulsory education begins at the age of 5, when children go to primary school. Primary education lasts for six years. Then pupils go to secondary school.

They study subjects: English, mathematics, science, geography, history, art, music, physical education and a foreign language. Most secondary schools teach Spanish, German, Italian and Russian. Pupils take exams at the age of 7, 11 and 14. After 5 years of secondary education they take the GCSE examination. Secondary education ends at 16. Some pupils stay at school and other pupils go to colleges. Higher education begins at 18 and lasts 3 or 4 years.

Some parents send their children to private schools. State education is free.

Teacher: Make up 5 questions for each group and ask them.

IV. Work over the project:

Describe and draw your school using these words:

It is located, a wide school yard, primary school, floor, many interesting books, during the break, widespread language, native language, at the lessons.

Present your projects

Final of the lesson:

  1. Home task: cinquain


2 adjectives

3 verbs

4 words (your attitude)


  1. Reflation: Now write in this sheet of papers your attention to this lesson and assess each other.

What did you like and what didn’t you like at the lesson today, what was easy/difficult.

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