«Весна — лето 2025»

Education system in the USA.

to create a nice physiological climate in the class through the group work. The expecting results: to enrich students knowledge about Types of schools, - to develop critical thinking through creative tasks,- to develop communicative skills in speaking, reading and writing, - students enrich their vocabulary and can discuss and express their opinions,- students get the habits of critical thinking,- students get the communicative habits in English, - to use The verb.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Theme: Education system in the USA.
The aim: - to develop the students’ abilities in speaking on the theme Education system in the USA.
Different activities, The verb.
The objectives: to create a nice physiological climate in the class through the group work.
The expecting results: to enrich students knowledge about Types of schools, - to develop critical thinking through creative tasks,- to develop communicative skills in speaking, reading and writing, - students enrich their vocabulary and can discuss and express their opinions,- students get the habits of critical thinking,- students get the communicative habits in English, - to use The verb.
Equipment: interactive board, letters multimedia projector, notebooks video film, Cambridge Audio CD, cards, posters, electronic books, picture.
Methods of teaching: Critical Thinking and New Approaches in Education (the module) interaction, presentation, explanation, question – answer, individual work, pair and group work.
The expecting outcomes: To require the material.
a) Greeting
b) Talk with a teacher
Brainstorming: Introducing the theme Education system in the USA, Asking and talking about Education, C) Group work.
Presentation: To introduce with the theme, aims and topical words. Words connected with education. Grammar The verb. Regular, Irregular (Past participle, Participle II). Making the project work Now I want you to draw a poster “Education system in the USA” and then two pupils from each group tell us about our school. Work together in group. Children draw a poster, discuss, share their opinions and write down some words. Practice What do you know about Education system in the USA? Reading, discussing, speaking about education system. Listening the text. Let’s listen text, do tasks each group ask and answer questions, all right. Let’s do. Pupils listen the text and do activities.
Relaxation. Sing a song “My school” Six Thinking Hats. I want you to express your opinion from the six position. The White Hat calls for information known or needed. "The facts, just the facts." The Yellow Hat symbolizes brightness and optimism. The Red Hat signifies feelings, hunches and intuition. When using this hat you can express emotions and feelings and share fears, likes, dislikes, loves, and hates. The Green Hat focuses on creativity; the possibilities, alternatives, and new ideas. The Blue Hat is used to manage the thinking process. It's the control mechanism that ensures the Six Thinking Hats guidelines are observed. Cambridge Audio CD Reflection So it’s high time for us to draw the line of our lesson and to say what you’ve done at this lesson and what you’ve learned to do. How can you assess your work? If you think everything was perfect show me green cards. If you suppose that you’ve worked not very well – yellow cards, and if you’ve worked bad, on your point of view – red. Give you marks each other.
Homework: Ex9p113, Ex1 p94.
Motivation of pupils: It is necessary to know about Education in the USA, The Verb for the purpose of application of the acquired knowledge in the conditions of hit on language, and is there are in further training

Theme: Is it easy to be a teenager?

Aims of the lesson:

a) to introduce them with different situations and how to behave their selves in these situations.

b) to develop their pronunciation and reading, speaking skills.

c) to bring up them to be reserved and control temper in any case.

Method of the lesson: answer the questions, speaking.

Type of the lesson: mixed

Using materials: book, cards, posters, pictures

Connection of the subjects:kazakh


Outline of the lesson:

I.Organization moment

   a) greetings

   b) checking up the attendance

II. Checking the homework:  Let’s check your home task.

It was exercise 8 at page 194. You had to complete the sentences.

III. Warm- up. Answer the questions. How  do you feel about teen’s problems?

IV. Teacher introduces the pupils with the theme. Our theme is “ Is it easy to be a teenager?” So, today we try to answer for this questions. To my mind it is difficult to be a teenager. Because teenagers' have many problems like these: personal, family, school, cruelty, violence, drug, drinking addiction..etc.  Parents who have teenager should be reserved,polite and to spend a lot of time with their children.Look at the first exercise. I’II give out to you cards in which written these questions, please choose one and answer.

a) Do you and your parents listen to the same music?

b) Do you like the way your parents treat you? Why?

c) Do you yourself buy things for you or your parents do?

d) Are your school teachers strict or kind?

e) What kind of teachers do you like? Why?

f) Does  your father or mother get angry when you use the telephone for more than two, three minutes? And why?

V.   Let’s do exercises.ex 2. p195. There are many situations. Think and talk about how you behave yourselves in these situations.

1. I like listening to pop music but my parents don’t like loud music and they always tell me to turn the music down.

2. My room is very untidy but I like it that way. I hate it when my mum comes in and moves things around.

3. I get mad when I’m talking to my friends and my parents come in and say “What are you talking about”? They think they have to come and make conversation.If  I did that to them they  would  say I was interrupting and being rude.

4. My young sister is a nuisance. She listens to my telephone conversations and reads my diary.

5. We are not allowed to wear jeans or T – shirts to school.

ex:4. Look at the blackboard. There are many rules of Colin's family. Please, find is it important, normal or silly.

1. You must be on time for meals.

2. You must come home before 11 o’ clock.

3. You are not allowed to play loud music in your room.

4. You mustn’t friends in your room.

5. You mustn’t use the telephone without permission.

6. You must have a shower every morning.

7. You mustn’t smoke.

8. You must get good marks at school.

VI. Reading.”Is it easy to be a teenager?”  Pupil, please read, other listen carely. After reading text one of you come to the blackboard  and write down.

What should Andy do to his parents mind?


                            Andy should…?

1.eat healthier food

2.wear nicer clothes

3.get better marks

4.to let his friends know that they’ll be polite when they come to visit

What parents should do to his sons mind?

1. wear more modern clothes.

2. listen to loud music.

3. should be more sympathetic when they talk about their problems.

4. be more friendly when their friends come to visit.

VII. Conclusion:

I want to conclude this lesson. So answer to my questions.. What problems have teenager? Please write down.


drug teenager’s problem          personal

cruelty           school

VIII. Your  home task will be ex:13. to write a little composition about “What bother young people of your age”?

IX. Your marks are ....

Thank you.The Lesson is over.

Theme: Unit 5. Time and Youth. Step 3. Is it easy to be a teenager? Have a talk about teen’s problems.


Educational:  to develop lexical material, talking about teen’s problems.

Developing: to develop memory, logical thinking and developing creative work with new technologies, to provide an opportunity of free speaking.

Bringing up: to make an interest to the subject, learn students to bring up themselves.

Vocabulary: adults’ opinions about teenagers, teenagers’ opinion about adults, relations between parents and children.

Grammar: adjectives

Visual aids: interactive board – slides, papers, markers, T-shirts.

Type of the lesson: consolidate and develop the knowledge, skills and abilities.

Method of the lesson: have a talk, question-answer

Procedure of the lesson:

  1. The Beginning of the lesson:

  2. Organizational moment – Greeting.

  3. The Main part of the lesson:

  4. Look at the screen and listen to the text about the happy youth and happy life. (слайд 1)

  5. (на слайде фотография подростка, учащиеся отвечают на вопросы учителя)(слайд 2)

-Is the person happy?

No, he isn’t happy. It seems he is unhappy.

-Why do you think he isn’t happy?

May be he has a problem.

-What problems has he got?

I think it may be family or school problem.

As for me I think he ran away from the home.

He couldn’t cope with the difficulties.

Is it easy to be young?

Sometimes we think it is not easy to be a teenager.

You are right. It is not easy to be young because teenagers today have a lot of problems.

  1. Checking up home task: Look through newspapers, magazines, Internet, come across and write a composition about teen’s problems:

P1- One of the worst teenage problems is schooling. Sometimes you feel bad because of teachers’ or classmates’ attitude to you. You are tired of studying, that’s why you don’t have energy and time for doing other things. Also I’d like to say that a lot of teens like to look older, that’s why they obtain bad habits like smoking, drinking, taking drugs, etc. But a teen can have bad habit because of problems in private life.

P2- Parents press on their child, they think he is iron and he doesn’t feel soul ache. Parents want us to study very well; they don’t understand that we do everything a good as we can. They don’t respect our interests thinking that we become strange because of music or sporty.

P3- Every teenager has a favorite singer, writer or sportsman. But no one should become a fan, because we can kill our individuality and become clones. Sometimes a quarrel between teens can lead to serious problems. It’s very dangerous! Also bad relationships between members of the family make the teen very unhappy. The teen doesn’t get along with parents and relatives.

P4- I think loneliness, lack of pocket money or parents’ misunderstanding can make teens unhappy. None should be angry because of teen’s feelings. The boy or the girl often doesn’t control his or her feelings. Streets and street bands can make a teen ruder. That’s why parents shouldn’t allow their children to have such interests.

P5- I know a lot of boys and girls, who think that cleaning their room is the most important problem. They think it’s boring and useless, because the room will become dirty 5 minutes later. I think, teens who have comps are very boring and uninteresting. You can’t speak with them about something beside their comps. It’s a real problem, to my mind.

P6- I think that when a person grows and stops being a teen, he or she stops understanding us. Only teen can understand people, who are the same age as he is. It’s really difficult to be a teenager!

Р7-1 also have problems with some lessons and teachers. I would like to choose my favorite subjects for next year.


  1. Работа в режиме: Т – Р1, Р2, Р3,…? (Учащиеся отвечают на вопрос)

What problems do the teenagers have?

Count, please – the first, the second. Form groups.

  • What problem do you find the most important and interesting to discuss?

  • Personal problems.

  • We’ll work in groups and do some tasks. One of the teen’s problems to help is personal problem. What are the causes or reasons of personal problems?

Task 1. What problems bother young people of your age?  (slides   ) Quickly write them down and make a diagram.

  • Generation gap – разрыв между поколениями

  • Misunderstanding (parents, teachers, friends, girl/boy friends)

  • School life and future career (having no class friend, pressure and stress, pocket money)

  • Free time activities (hobby, duties, interests, rest and meetings, computer, mobile phone)

  • Bad habits (smoking, drugs, alcohol )

  • Subculture (clothes, fashion, appearance)

  • No freedom, too much control

  • Homelessness and leaving homes (poverty, unemployment, parents don’t have time to look after their children, unsatisfactory living conditions, family problems)

  • Love and friendship (happy or unhappy)

Task 2. Discuss teen’s life from different points of view: So, what do the adults think of teenagers?

– Little responsibility, lazy, rude.

  • Don’t respect the elders

  • Think about rebellion against the society, reject everything, protest against.

  • Wear ridiculous clothes/shocking way of wearing clothes/have strange appearance


Task 3. Teenagers life ambitions — What do the teenagers want?

1.to be independent- быть независимыми

2.to be taken seriously- относиться серьезно

3.to do well at school- успевать в школе

4.to be treated with respect- быть уважаемым

5.to express one’s own individuality- выражать собственную индивидуальность

6.to try to change the world to the best- пытаться изменить мир к лучшему

7.to rebel against the society- восстать против общества

8.to reject everything- отвергать все

9.to enjoy life- наслаждаться жизнью

10.to earn enough money- зарабатывать деньги

11.to overcome all the life problems- преодолевать все жизненные проблемы

Task 4. Being a teenager. What does it mean? Let`s brainstorm the ideas. You can work in  groups. Share your ideas.

BEING A TEENAGER (positive and negative positions)

What do teenagers think about themselves:

(on the one hand)

(on the other hand)

1. great fun, exciting, wonderful time

1.very difficult, dangerous, hard time

2. falling in love

2.taking a lot of exams

3 dating

3.overcoming difficulties

4. choosing a career.

4.commiting crimes

5. important decisions

5.problems with parents, teachers,

6. having everything for the first time

6.problems with classmates, friends

7. new discoveries, new opportunities

7. emotional problems

8. new people, new friends

8. financial problems


It is time for exercises. Everybody stand up and dance.

Task 5. I’ll give you’re an envelope with some words. Your task is put these words in the correct order and write an expression.

(There is a poster with the following words on the blackboard)

  1. Enjoy your teens and have some fun,

Your life has only just began!

  1. There is a reason for all these problems you are coming through your teenager years!

  • Write down the day and date. Write the expression into your note books.

Task 6. Fill in each gap with the given words. Change the word if you need:

Teenagers have different (ambition). They want to be (to depend) and to be (take) seriously. Most of teens try to express their (individual). The main problems are family problems, school problems and (cruel). There are many ways of (to solve) them.

Teenagers have different ambitions. They want t be depended and to be taken seriously. Most of teens try to express their individuality. The main problems are family problems, school problems and cruelty. There are many ways of solving them.


Teacher: Well done, children. Now let us make a conclusion if  being a teenager is difficult or not.

Task 7. Students say their opinions and make a conclusion.

  1. Young people want to enjoy life and be independent and be taken seriously, to express their individuality and do well at school, earn money and change the world for the best. The problem is that sometimes teens do not get what they want. As a result, teenagers try to rebel against the society and reject everything. That is why they have different problems. The reasons of these problems are rather various.


  1. We usually go to our parents if we have problems. They guide and teach us every time we have problems. They fill our lives with love and care.  They always want the best for us in everything we do.   We usually go to our friends when we have problems. In order to overcome the difficulties, think that you belong to the family and that they are there always for you to guide you, to have fun with you and to love you.  We can avoid by starting a new day and by realizing that it’s not for the better but for worst. Remember that we are unique.  And we have a special talent that we should discover. We are love by the people around us and by our parents.


Task 8. Create your own T-shirts with your motto.

Let`s change the world to the best

Say «no» to drugs (alcohol, cigarettes)

Say «yes» to freedom (piece, love, tolerance, friendship)

Everyone has the right to life (non-discrimination)

Put cigarettes (alcohol, drugs) out of fashion.

Being a teenager means to be happy (to have great fun).

Students create T-shirts with messages and display them on the blackboard. They can choose the best message.

Summarize the lesson with one word:

  1. Teenagers are young and full of energy;

  2. They have lots of friends;

  3. Young people can choose any route they want;

  4. They are too young to see only bad sides of life.

  5. Life is beautiful.


In conclusion, I’d like to say that growing up brings a lot of problems. But you are too young to see only bad sides of life. Remember! There is always a way out of every situation.
Now look at the board. There you can see a basket and two flowers – a red rose and a bluebell. Everyone should go to the board and choose a flower. Choosing the flower depends on the following fact – if our today’s theme of the lesson makes you think of  the  way you live, think of your problems, your ambitions. you should choose a red rose and if our lesson doesn’t change your mind you should choose a bluebell.
You are welcome.

Учащиеся по очереди подходят в интерактивной доске и выбирают цветок.

Учитель:  — Pay attention we have a brilliant basket. No doubt, the teens’ problems will increase. And young people should fell that they are cared for.  So I wish you be happy and you should always remember that teenage years are the most beautiful period of our life. It is the beginning of an adult life. And our attitudes to life and people formulate in the period of being a teenager.
Your marks are  …… Our lesson is over. You have worked hard today.
Thank you

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