«Весна — лето 2025»

Дидактический материал " The Past Simple: regular and irregular verbs"

Материал для повторения и закрепления пройденной грамматики.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

I. Write the missing words.

live - ________ run - ________

wear - _________ _______________ - drank

___________ - made become - _____________

cook - ___________ ___________ - ate

say - ___________ ___________ - gave

think - ______________ swim - ___________

____________ - came ___________ - had

II. Complete the sentences. Write the verbs in the past form.

1. On Monday Kate (go) _______ to the cinema. She (watch) ______________ a new film.

2. On Tuesday Jack (go) _______ to the swimming pool. He (have) ______ a lot of fun there.

3. On Wednesday Liz and Mike (go) _______ to the café. They (eat) _______ ice-cream. They (drink) ________ juice.

4. My parents (are) _______ abroad last summer.

5. Nikita (ride) ________ a bike very well.

6. Cave people (wear) _______ animal skins.

7. A woman (make) ________ a fire.

8. We (buy) __________ many sweets in the shop.

9.They (see) _______ lions, zebras, tigers and monkeys at the zoo.

10. Tina (get up) _________ at 9 o’clock last Sunday.

11. She (wash) __________ the dishes after breakfast.

12. Tina (brush) ___________ her teeth and (get) ________ dressed.

I. Write the missing words.

live - ________ run - ________

wear - _________ _______________ - drank

___________ - made become - _____________

cook - ___________ ___________ - ate

say - ___________ ___________ - gave

think - ______________ swim - ___________

____________ - came ___________ - had

II. Complete the sentences. Write the verbs in the past form.

1. On Monday Kate (go) _______ to the cinema. She (watch) ______________ a new film.

2. On Tuesday Jack (go) _______ to the swimming pool. He (have) ______ a lot of fun there.

3. On Wednesday Liz and Mike (go) _______ to the café. They (eat) _______ ice-cream. They (drink) ________ juice.

4. My parents (are) _______ abroad last summer.

5. Nikita (ride) ________ a bike very well.

6. Cave people (wear) _______ animal skins.

7. A woman (make) ________ a fire.

8. We (buy) __________ many sweets in the shop.

9.They (see) _______ lions, zebras, tigers and monkeys at the zoo.

10. Tina (get up) _________ at 9 o’clock last Sunday.

11. She (wash) __________ the dishes after breakfast.

12. Tina (brush) ___________ her teeth and (get) ________ dressed.

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