«Весна — лето 2025»

Countable\Uncountable. Be going to

Самостоятельная работа для 5 (углубленного) класса

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Самостоятельная работа

  1. Write and mark the nouns Countable or Uncountable

Table. Silver, picture, hour, music, milk, water, holidae, boy, nature, baggage, happiness, meat, weather, orange, parrot, salt, tree, help, book.

  1. Complete the sentences wit the verbs in brackets. Use the affirmative or negative of be going to.

  1. I … (fly) to the Moon.

  2. My wife … (become) a famous actress.

  3. My wife and children … (travel) all over the world.

  4. They … (not\eat) pizza tonight.

  5. He … (turn) left. 

  6.  I'm … (not\watch TV) tonight.

  7. Rosie … (not\do) her homework.

  8. You … (stop) reading books.

  9. The children … (play) tennis.

  10. The young women … (cross) the road.

Самостоятельная работа

I.Write and mark the nouns Countable or Uncountable

Table. Silver, picture, hour, music, milk, water, holidae, boy, nature, baggage, happiness, meat, weather, orange, parrot, salt, tree, help, book.

II.Complete the sentences wit the verbs in brackets. Use the affirmative or negative of be going to.

  1. I … (fly) to the Moon.

  2. My wife … (become) a famous actress.

  3. My wife and children … (travel) all over the world.

  4. They … (not\eat) pizza tonight.

  5. He … (turn) left. 

  6.  I'm … (not\watch TV) tonight.

  7. Rosie … (not\do) her homework.

  8. You … (stop) reading books.

  9. The children … (play) tennis.

  10. The young women … (cross) the road.

Самостоятельная работа

I.Write and mark the nouns Countable or Uncountable

Table. Silver, picture, hour, music, milk, water, holidae, boy, nature, baggage, happiness, meat, weather, orange, parrot, salt, tree, help, book.

II.Complete the sentences wit the verbs in brackets. Use the affirmative or negative of be going to.

  1. I … (fly) to the Moon.

  2. My wife … (become) a famous actress.

  3. My wife and children … (travel) all over the world.

  4. They … (not\eat) pizza tonight.

  5. He … (turn) left. 

  6.  I'm … (not\watch TV) tonight.

  7. Rosie … (not\do) her homework.

  8. You … (stop) reading books.

  9. The children … (play) tennis.

  10. The young women … (cross) the road.

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