«Весна — лето 2025»

Conversation club

the aim is to develop speaking skill and listening skill make conversation with foreigner

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

The plan of the

1. Organization moment

Aim introduction

2. Vocabulary presentation

3.Text work

4.Comprehension check

5. Speaking. Work at the dialogue


A) Hometask setting

B) Evaluation

  1. Introduction

  2. Phonetic drill

I am going to jump,

You are going to sing,

She is going to run,

He is going to swim.

Vocabulary presentation

Topical vocabulary

day off – выходной день
at the weekend – в выходные дни
on week days – в будние дни
to relax – расслабиться
to have a rest – отдохнуть, передохнуть
to rest = to take a rest – отдыхать
to enjoy oneself – наслаждаться, получать удовольствие
a heavy sleeper – соня
entertainment – развлечение
party – вечеринка, гости
to throw a party – устроить вечернику, пригласить гостей
birthday party – празднование дня рождения
house-warming party –празднование новоселья
to look forward to something – с нетерпением ожидать чего-либо

adult – взрослый
 exception – исключение
go bowling – пойти на боулинг
 bowling shoes – обувь для боулинга

score points – набирать очки
 striking – выбивать все кегли одним ударом
 dust – вытирать пыль
 vacuum the carpets – пылесосить ковры
 scrabble – «Скреббл», настольная игра в слова 

pyjama-party – пижамная вечеринка
surf the Internet – «лазить» по Интернету
look through - просматривать
 iron – утюжить

  1. Text work

Read the text and translate it.

My Weekend

Every person whether an adult or a teenager cannot work all the time and needs to have a rest. Usually all the people have a little rest during their weekends. I am not an exception. I really enjoy relaxing and having fun with my friends. Starting from Wednesday I begin to look forward to the weekends. 

My days off are Saturday and Sunday. I always look forward to my weekend. I cannot say that I am a heavy sleeper but as I get very tired during the week I let my self sleep a little longer at the weekend. I usually get up at about ten o’clock and go to the bathroom where I have a shower, clean my teeth and brush my hair.

Then I go to the kitchen and help my mother lay the table. On Sundays my parents sleep a bit longer too, that is why we have neither breakfast nor lunch but brunch. All of us like porridge and fried eggs for breakfast, but I prefer apple juice and my parents-coffee with milk.

After brunch my father does the washing up and my mother and I do the flat. As a rule it takes us about an hour and a half as we have only two rooms. We do not need to go shopping on Sunday as my mother does it on Saturday. So after twelve o’clock I am free to do whatever I like.

People spend their days off in different ways. Some of them prefer to stay at home and read a book or visit an art exhibition, a museum or a sport event. In the evening, as a rule, they go to a theatre or to see their friends. Other people prefer to spend their days off out of town.

As for me I also like to spend my days off in the country. I go in for sports, that is why on Sunday I go to the tennis court and play tennis for about two hours. I have been playing tennis since my 8th form and I can say that it helps me relax and feel well during thewhole week. On my way home I usually drop in at the confectionery and buy a cherry cake because we are used to having something tasty for dinner.

Sunday is the only day when we have dinner together. That is one of the reasons why I like Sundays.

All of us like nature and are fond of walking. After dinner we are used to going to the park which is near our house. It is very pleasant to walk there. We enjoy the fresh air and the beautiful scenery around us. While walking we usually discuss the books we have read, the films we have watched recently and ask each other a lot of questions about our life, work and studies.

After coming home we either watch TV or play different games, chess for example. At eight o’clock we have light supper, usually some vegetables. My mother is very good at making different salads.
After supper we read books. We have a good library at home. My father is fond of reading historical novels because he is interested in history. My mother is indifferent to such kind of books. She prefers detective stories. As for me I like science fiction very much.

At ten o’clock on Sunday I start preparing for the academy as I am always short of time on Monday morning. At eleven o’clock I go to bed because I have to get up early next morning.

  1. Comprehension check

Answer the questions:
1. Are you glad when weekends come?
2. When do you usually start your weekends?
3. What do you usually do on Friday evening?
4. What do you usually do on Saturday?
5. What do you usually do on Sunday?

Translate the sentences from Kazakh into English:

  • Біз демалысты қаланың сыртында өткіздік.

  • Менің достарым киноға барамыз деп шешті.

  • Жексенбі күні мен ерте ояндым.

  • Кеше кешкісін ол шахмат ойнады.

  • Түстен кейін олар паркке серуендеуге кетті.

  1. Speaking

1. Dialogue Reading

Read the dialogue with your partner a few times. Take turns being each character. Practice your intonation and pronunciation.

Bill: Hi Amy. It’s Bill.

Amy: Hi Bill. How are you doing?

Bill: Not bad. I’m calling to talk about the weekend. Have you got any plans yet?

Amy: No, not yet. What did you have in mind?

Bill: How about going to a hockey game on Saturday night?

Amy: I don’t really feel like a hockey game. I did that last weekend.

Bill: Well then, what about going out for dinner?

Amy: I’d rather go to a movie.

Bill: Okay. That sounds good. Do you want me to pick you up?

Amy: No. That’s okay. I can meet you at the theater.

Bill: Okay. Let’s talk on Saturday morning and arrange the time.

Amy: Great. I’ll talk to you then. Bye.

Bill: Bye.

VI. Conclusion.Hometask setting.

Making up a dialogue “My week-end”


Where do you go?

What do you do?

What did you do last week-end?

Where did you go?

How are you doing? Not bad.

How are you? Pretty good.

How’s it going? So so.

I’m calling to talk about the weekend.

to find out about the weekend.

to see about the weekend.

How about going to a hockey game?

...playing golf?

...playing tennis?

Would you like to go to a baseball game?

Do you want to go to a bar and listen to some music?

I don’t really feel like a hockey game.

I’m not really in the mood for a hockey game.

I don’t really want to go to a hockey game.

Everyday Dialogues

Weekend Plans

What did you have in mind?

What were you thinking about?

Did you have any ideas?

What about going out for dinner?

...going to a concert?

I’d rather go to a movie.

I’d prefer to go to a movie.

I’d like to go to a movie instead.

That sounds good.

That sounds fine.

That sounds great.

Do you want me to pick you up?

Should I pick you up?

Should I come and get you?

No. That’s okay. I can meet you at the theater.

That’s alright. I’ll meet you at the theater.

at the bar.

at the arena.

at the golf course.

at the tennis court.

at the concert hall.

at the stadium.

3. Vocabulary ✎

Match the activity with the location.

___1. play golf a. at the bar

Let’s talk on Saturday and arrange the time.

I’ll call you on Saturday morning and we can decide what time

to meet.

I’ll call on Saturday morning to make definite plans.

___2. play tennis

___3. see a movie

___4. watch a hockey game

___5. watch a baseball game

___6. listen to music

___7. eat dinner

b. at the arena

c. at the course

d. at the restaurant

e. at the court

f. at the theater

g. at the stadium

B) Evaluation

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