«Весна — лето 2025»

Conversation club why do learn english

plan for extra -curricular lesson with discusion on the theme why do we learn english in the second part sing a song and debate with a guest.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки





Raise students' awareness about what kind of English learner they are

To enrich students’ knowledge about UK AND USA; to teach to find information while reading the text.

To develop students’ skills in speaking, listening, reading.


To practice the topical vocabulary; 
To check the students’ ability to use the active vocabulary in a new context; 
To develop communicative competence: speaking, reading and listening 
To maintain skills of critical thinking; 
Language material: active vocabulary of the text “Career”, 
Equipment and visual aids: computers, overhead projector, the screen, the PowerPoint presentation, the board.

Type of the extra-curricular lesson: Revision and getting new information.

Interaction: Geography, History, Biology.

Plan of the extra-curricular lesson

I. The beginning of the extra-curricular lesson

a) Greeting 
b) Defining the theme of the extra-curricular lesson
II. Warm-up”Brainstorming” 
a) answer the questions

III. Debate

Game Sing a song

IV. Conversation with guest from NIS “Why do we learn English ”

V. The end of the ECL 

a) Reflection

b) Evaluation

The Procedure of the extra-curricular lesson

The beginning of the extra-curricular lesson

а) Greeting 
T: Good morning, dear students. I’m glad to see you. How are you? 
b) Defining the topic of the extra-curricular lesson

T: At first I’d like you to define the topic of our ECL today. 
For this purpose you should answer the question. 

  • Have students take the quiz.

  • Score the quiz using the following chart:

    • English for Career Purposes Learner - Type 1 learner

    • Global English Learner - Type 2 learner

    • Learner Who Wants to Live (or already lives) in an English Speaking Culture - Type 3 learner

    • English for Fun and Pleasure Learner - Type 4 learner

    • Answers 6 questions or more as type 1 learner = English for Career Purposes Learner

    • Answers 6 questions or more as type 2 learner = Global English Learner

    • Answers 6 questions or more as type 3 learner = Learner Who Wants to Live (or already lives) in an English Speaking Culture

    • Answers 6 questions or more as type 4 learner = English for Fun and Pleasure Learner

  • Based on their score, give the students a copy of the learner type description included on the second page of this lesson plan.

  • Obviously, these learner types are approximates. However, by doing the quiz, students are made aware of why learning English is important to them and the 'learner type' profile helps them to better judge which activities are most important to them - and when to give themselves a break!

  • Finish the lesson with a follow-up discussion of the implications of these various learner types. What Type of English Learner Are You?
    Question 1

When do you use your English outside of class?

Speaking with other non-native English speakers (i.e., not American, British, Australia, etc. but with people who have learned English as a second or foreign language).

Speaking with native English speakers.

When I travel on holiday.

With colleagues on the telephone or by email.

Question 2

Why are you learning English?

To live in an English speaking country.

To use English to get a better job - Improve English for my current job.

To speak English on holidays.

To use English to stay informed by reading newspapers, magazines, Internet.

Question 3

Which statement best expresses your opinion about English?

It's important to speak English for my job.

It's important to speak American English OR British English.

The most important thing is communicating. It doesn't matter whether you make a few mistakes.

I need to ask directions and order breakfast when I go on holiday.

Question 4

Which is the most important English task for you?

Understanding native English speakers.

Writing excellent communication through email, or in letters.

Exchanging ideas with other people in English (both native and non-native speakers).

Asking for and understanding basic things in English.

Question 5

How often do you use your English?

Quite often at work.

Every day at work, shopping and speaking to people.

Not very often, only when I travel or meet foreigners in my country.

On a regular basis when reading, speaking to friends via the internet, watching TV in English, etc.

Question 6

How do you use English on the Internet?

Only to learn English. Otherwise, I visit sites in my language.

I like looking at pages in English from all around the world.

Doing research for my job.

I like visiting American or British sites to learn the slang and lifestyle.

Question 7

Which statement is true for you?

Basic pronunciation is important, excellent pronunciation is impossible.

Pronunciation should be clear, it doesn't matter if it is British or American, etc.

Pronunciation is not so important, I need to understand and write English well.

Pronunciation and the correct accent is very important for me. I want native speakers(Americans, British, Australian, Canadian, etc.) to understand me.

Question 8

Do you think that...

English learning is stressful, but important for work.

English learning is essential to improve my life where I live.

English learning is fun and one of my hobbies.

English learning is one of my favorite hobbies.

Question 9

Do you dream in English?





Question 10

How often do you study English?

A few hours every day

Once or twice a week

A little bit every day

At weekends


Teaching English ESL

Where to Study English

English Listening Test

Best Way to Learn English

Online Learning Class

ve students take the quiz.

Score the quiz using the following chart:

English for Career Purposes Learner - Type 1 learner

Global English Learner - Type 2 learner

Learner Who Wants to Live (or already lives) in an English Speaking Culture - Type 3 learner

English for Fun and Pleasure Learner - Type 4 learner

Answers 6 questions or more as type 1 learner = English for Career Purposes Learner

Answers 6 questions or more as type 2 learner = Global English Learner

Answers 6 questions or more as type 3 learner = Learner Who Wants to Live (or already lives) in an English Speaking Culture

Answers 6 questions or more as type 4 learner = English for Fun and Pleasure Learner

Based on their score, give the students a copy of the learner type description included on the second page of this lesson plan.

Obviously, these learner types are approximates. However, by doing the quiz, students are made aware of why learning English is important to them and the 'learner type' profile helps them to better judge which activities are most important to them - and when to give themselves a break!

Finish the lesson with a follow-up discussion of the implications of these various learner types. What Type of English Learner Are You?
Question 1

When do you use your English outside of class?

Speaking with other non-native English speakers (i.e., not American, British, Australia, etc. but with people who have learned English as a second or foreign language).

Speaking with native English speakers.

When I travel on holiday.

With colleagues on the telephone or by email.

Question 2

Why are you learning English?

To live in an English speaking country.

To use English to get a better job - Improve English for my current job.

To speak English on holidays.

To use English to stay informed by reading newspapers, magazines, Internet.

Question 3

Which statement best expresses your opinion about English?

It's important to speak English for my job.

It's important to speak American English OR British English.

The most important thing is communicating. It doesn't matter whether you make a few mistakes.

I need to ask directions and order breakfast when I go on holiday.

Question 4

Which is the most important English task for you?

Understanding native English speakers.

Writing excellent communication through email, or in letters.

Exchanging ideas with other people in English (both native and non-native speakers).

Asking for and understanding basic things in English.

Question 5

How often do you use your English?

Quite often at work.

Every day at work, shopping and speaking to people.

Not very often, only when I travel or meet foreigners in my country.

On a regular basis when reading, speaking to friends via the internet, watching TV in English, etc.

Question 6

How do you use English on the Internet?

Only to learn English. Otherwise, I visit sites in my language.

I like looking at pages in English from all around the world.

Doing research for my job.

I like visiting American or British sites to learn the slang and lifestyle.

Question 7

Which statement is true for you?

Basic pronunciation is important, excellent pronunciation is impossible.

Pronunciation should be clear, it doesn't matter if it is British or American, etc.

Pronunciation is not so important, I need to understand and write English well.

Pronunciation and the correct accent is very important for me. I want native speakers(Americans, British, Australian, Canadian, etc.) to understand me.

Question 8

Do you think that...

English learning is stressful, but important for work.

English learning is essential to improve my life where I live.

English learning is fun and one of my hobbies.

English learning is one of my favorite hobbies.

Question 9

Do you dream in English?



Question 10

The end of the extra-curricular lesson
T: I’m sure today at the lesson you got a lot of useful information. Remember the words 
of Joseph Brodsky a great Russian poet, the receiver of the Nobel Peace Prize. He 
said “When we acquire a new language we gain a new soul.” And I want to say 
When we acquire new information we gain a new soul.” 

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