«Весна — лето 2025»

"Человек и его дом"

Презентация к интегрированному уроку, объединяющему английский язык и изобразительное искусство. Умение описывать комнату, дом на английском языке помогает ребенку проявить творческие навыки, обогащает лексический запас, развивает навыки связной английской речи.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Человек и его дом

Человек и его дом

Мy house Let's go to my house.  Let's go today.  I'll show you all the rooms  Where we work and play.  Here is the kitchen  Where Mother cooks for me.  Here is the living room  Where I watch TV.  Here is the dining room.  We eat here every day.  And this room is my room  Where I sleep and play.

Мy house

  • Let's go to my house. Let's go today. I'll show you all the rooms Where we work and play. Here is the kitchen Where Mother cooks for me. Here is the living room Where I watch TV. Here is the dining room. We eat here every day. And this room is my room

Where I sleep and play.

7 6 5 4 2 3 1








Look at the picture and say what there is in the room.

Look at the picture and say

what there is in the room.



  • Home sweet home.
  • My home is my castle.
  • East or West home is best.
  • There is no place like home .
architect [aʼ:kitekt] архитектор design [diʼzain] план, проект, чертеж designer [diʼzain Ə ] конструктор, проектировщик, модельер interior [inʼti Ə ri Ə ] внутренняя часть дома, интерьер semi-detached (house) [ʼsemidiʼtætʃt] –один из двух домов, имеющих общую стену.
  • architect [aʼ:kitekt] архитектор
  • design [diʼzain] план, проект, чертеж
  • designer [diʼzain Ə ] конструктор, проектировщик, модельер
  • interior [inʼti Ə ri Ə ] внутренняя часть дома, интерьер
  • semi-detached (house) [ʼsemidiʼtætʃt] –один из двух домов, имеющих общую стену.
Основные СТИЛи ДИЗАЙНА ИНТЕРЬЕРА.          Основные СТИЛи ДИЗАЙНА ИНТЕРЬЕРА   Лофт  Минимализм  Прованс  Хай-тек  Эко-стиль

Основные СТИЛи ДИЗАЙНА ИНТЕРЬЕРА.  Основные СТИЛи ДИЗАЙНА ИНТЕРЬЕРА Лофт Минимализм Прованс Хай-тек Эко-стиль

  • Авангард
  • Ампир
  • Арт- деко
  • Барокко
  • Кантри















1) Complete the sentences: There are …… in the living room.  There aren’t……. in the living room. There is …….in the bedroom. There isn’t ……..in the bedroom . 2) Впиши обороты There is или There are . ………… .a vase on the table ………… .. some flowers in the vase …………… a cat under the table …………… .some cups on the table

1) Complete the sentences:

There are …… in the living room. There aren’t……. in the living room.

There is …….in the bedroom.

There isn’t ……..in the bedroom .

2) Впиши обороты There is или There are .

………… .a vase on the table

………… .. some flowers in the vase

…………… a cat under the table

…………… .some cups on the table

a dining room   a living room a bedroom a children’s room

a dining room

a living room

a bedroom

a children’s room

a kitchen a hall a study room a bathroom

a kitchen

a hall

a study room

a bathroom

Where is the Monkey? Where is the Monkey?

Where is the Monkey?

Where is the Monkey?

  • The monkey is  under  the bed.
  • Where is the Monkey?
  • The monkey is  in  the drawer.
  • Where is the Monkey?
  • The monkey is  on  your head.
  • Where is the Monkey? The monkey is  in front of  the TV.
  • Where is the Monkey?
  • The monkey is  over  the desk.
  • Where is the Monkey?
  • The monkey is  next to  the door.
  • Where is the Monkey? The monkey is  between  the box and the ball.
  • Where is the Monkey?
  • The monkey is  behind  the curtain
My flat We live in a flat. Our flat is not very big. It is very clean and comfortable. There are two rooms in our flat. There is also a kitchen and a bathroom. In the living-room there is a sofa, a TV, a bookcase, a coffee table, and two armchairs. In my room there is a bed, a desk, a wardrobe, and a shelf. I love my flat very much. Questions:

My flat

We live in a flat. Our flat is not very big. It is very clean and comfortable. There are two rooms in our flat. There is also a kitchen and a bathroom. In the living-room there is a sofa, a TV, a bookcase, a coffee table, and two armchairs. In my room there is a bed, a desk, a wardrobe, and a shelf. I love my flat very much.


  • Do you live in a flat?
  • Is your flat big?
  • Is it comfortable?
  • How many rooms are there in your flat?
Диалог “My house” (have got/has got) –  «Мой дом»

Диалог “My house” (have got/has got) – «Мой дом»

  • - Is your house big?
  • - No, my house isn’t very big. We’ve got 3 rooms and a kitchen in it.
  • - It’s great! What have you got in your bedroom?
  • - My room is nice. I’ve got a bed, a table and a new computer on it and some posters on the walls. My room has got yellow walls and a green carpet.
  • - Have you got a TV in your room?
  • - No, I haven’t. It’s in the sitting room.
  • - Have you got any pets in the house?
  • - Yes, we have got two cats. One is black, another is red .

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