Человек и его дом

Мy house
- Let's go to my house. Let's go today. I'll show you all the rooms Where we work and play. Here is the kitchen Where Mother cooks for me. Here is the living room Where I watch TV. Here is the dining room. We eat here every day. And this room is my room
Where I sleep and play.


Look at the picture and say
what there is in the room.

- Home sweet home.
- My home is my castle.
- East or West home is best.
- There is no place like home .
![architect [aʼ:kitekt] архитектор design [diʼzain] план, проект, чертеж designer [diʼzain Ə ] конструктор, проектировщик, модельер interior [inʼti Ə ri Ə ] внутренняя часть дома, интерьер semi-detached (house) [ʼsemidiʼtætʃt] –один из двух домов, имеющих общую стену.](http://fsd.intolimp.org/html/2019/06/27/i_5d15102a83b77/img_php70xHdN_Prezentaciya-CHelovek-i-ego-dom_6.jpg)
- architect [aʼ:kitekt] архитектор
- design [diʼzain] план, проект, чертеж
- designer [diʼzain Ə ] конструктор, проектировщик, модельер
- interior [inʼti Ə ri Ə ] внутренняя часть дома, интерьер
- semi-detached (house) [ʼsemidiʼtætʃt] –один из двух домов, имеющих общую стену.

Основные СТИЛи ДИЗАЙНА ИНТЕРЬЕРА. Основные СТИЛи ДИЗАЙНА ИНТЕРЬЕРА Лофт Минимализм Прованс Хай-тек Эко-стиль
- Авангард
- Ампир
- Арт- деко
- Барокко
- Кантри






1) Complete the sentences:
There are …… in the living room. There aren’t……. in the living room.
There is …….in the bedroom.
There isn’t ……..in the bedroom .
2) Впиши обороты There is или There are .
………… .a vase on the table
………… .. some flowers in the vase
…………… a cat under the table
…………… .some cups on the table

a dining room
a living room
a bedroom
a children’s room

a kitchen
a hall
a study room
a bathroom

Where is the Monkey?
Where is the Monkey?
- The monkey is under the bed.
- Where is the Monkey?
- The monkey is in the drawer.
- Where is the Monkey?
- The monkey is on your head.
- Where is the Monkey? The monkey is in front of the TV.
- Where is the Monkey?
- The monkey is over the desk.
- Where is the Monkey?
- The monkey is next to the door.
- Where is the Monkey? The monkey is between the box and the ball.
- Where is the Monkey?
- The monkey is behind the curtain

My flat
We live in a flat. Our flat is not very big. It is very clean and comfortable. There are two rooms in our flat. There is also a kitchen and a bathroom. In the living-room there is a sofa, a TV, a bookcase, a coffee table, and two armchairs. In my room there is a bed, a desk, a wardrobe, and a shelf. I love my flat very much.
- Do you live in a flat?
- Is your flat big?
- Is it comfortable?
- How many rooms are there in your flat?

Диалог “My house” (have got/has got) – «Мой дом»
- - Is your house big?
- - No, my house isn’t very big. We’ve got 3 rooms and a kitchen in it.
- - It’s great! What have you got in your bedroom?
- - My room is nice. I’ve got a bed, a table and a new computer on it and some posters on the walls. My room has got yellow walls and a green carpet.
- - Have you got a TV in your room?
- - No, I haven’t. It’s in the sitting room.
- - Have you got any pets in the house?
- - Yes, we have got two cats. One is black, another is red .