«Весна — лето 2025»

Административная контрольная работа по английскому языку за I полугодие. 11 класс.

Контрольная работа по английскому языку нацеленна на проверку сформированности грамматических и лексических знаний учеников.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Административная контрольная работа по английскому языку за I полугодие.

11 класс.

1 Complete the text with grammatically correct forms.

If you want (1 become ) … a student at one of the UK(2 university), … you should understand that it*s not all that easy. In the (3one) … place it*s a big shock to learn that someone who has (4complete)… studies at a Russian school, in most cases cannot (5 go)… directly to a UK university. Why? Firstly, age, secondly, the qualifications (6 receive) … on finishing a Russian school are considered of a (7 low)… level than the British equivalents so they (8 be)… not good enough for British universities. So what to do? There is always a way out, try to find it.

2 Complete the text with the derivatives of the words on the right.

Among the summer language courses the most expensive ones are in the English-speaking countries. The nearest of them are in England, the cheapest and sunniest are in Malta and the most (1 adventure) … are in the USA. When you make your (2 choose)… , you have to think of how much money you are prepared to spend, how far you want to learn. The English world is full of huge (3 vary ) … of accent. So if you imagine you will want to work in or with the USA, solid (4 know )… of British RP ( received (5 pronounce)….) may cause you (6 expect )… problems, as you will struggle to understand what Americans are saying.

3 Choose the appropriate words to complete the sentences.

1) Somebody has to speak (to/for) the poor and unemployed. 2) We*d rather stay at home and watch TV.- Please speak (for/up) yourself , I prefer to go out. 3) If you have a better idea, please, speak (for/out). 4) Will you speak (up/out) , please: it*s rather noisy in here. 5) The number of people who came to the show spoke (for/to) itself: the show was a great success. 6) If there is anything you don*t like about this plan, do speak (to/out). 7) Liz spends too much time in front of the computer. I have spoken (to/for) her two or three times, but nothing changes. 8) Today I*m speaking not only (for/to) myself but (for/to) all my classmates and friends.

4 Complete the sentences with the words from the box in their appropriate forms ( contain, result, progress, struggle, separate, acquainted, deal, avoid, disappoint, identify, footsteps, practice).

1) One part of the city … from the other by a high wall. 2) I found this new problem very difficult … with. 3) The heavy spring rains … in floods last year. 4) You … your parents if you don*t keep your promise to them. 5) These sweets … a lot of sugar. 6) Are you making any … with your presentation? 7) In that war the soldiers … bravely with the enemy. 8) In future try … this mistake in pronunciation. 9) It*s time for my two best friends to get … with each other. 10) Can you … this strange object? 11) … will help you to learn to speak Spanish. 12) I*m going to follow my cousin*s … and become a lawyer.

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