Викторина «The Alphabet Race»
Цели: развитие интереса к изучению иностранного языка, активизация познавательной деятельности
Задачи: развивать умение работать в команде; разнообразить урок английского языка; повысить значение игры на уроке в среднем звене; увеличить активный языковой запас; развивать лингвистические способности учащихся; развивать умения работы со словарем.
Подготовительная работа: дети делятся на две команды, придумывают название команды, эмблему, девиз.
Форма проведения: встреча соревнование.
Mатериал: песня Fluency MC, звездочки, презентаций Power Point, the Internet
Ход урока:
В игре принимают участие 16 человек (по 8 человек с каждой команды). Для проверки и оценивания заданий выбирается жюри в составе трех человек. Выполняя задания различных туров, участники игры за правильные ответы получают звездочки. Победителем игры считается та команда, которая набрала больше всех баллов – звездочек.
Greetings: Good afternoon, students. Good afternoon, dear guests. Today we shall have The Alphabet Race contest. The main aim of our contest is to find out how much you know about the English alphabet. One may say that there is nothing easier than ABC (proverb) but whether it is true we should learn.
Now let us introduce our participants. (The best gets a star)
(Команды представляются, показывают эмблему своей команды; лучшим представившемся – звездочку).
So it’s time to start our contest and find out how much you know about the English Alphabet. For your correct answers you’ll get the stars, who gets more stars is the winner.
Task 1: Alphabet trivia quiz. You’ll get one star for each correct answer (2 stars)
How many letters are there in the English alphabet?
How many vowels and consonants are there?
Task 2: Spelling and pronunciation. Who gives more correct answers gets the star (1 star)
Knowing how to pronounce and understand the letters of the alphabet can be very important. You know that in the English speaking countries there is a special contest on spelling conducted between students.
Look at the words below and match the sounds in bold with the sounds of the letters of the alphabet. Some have already been done for you.
okay deep see visa why piece are eye end effort easy jail you zed queue jeans essay empty be open expert |
A | day | J |
| S |
B |
| K |
| T | tea |
C |
| L | elephant | U |
D |
| M |
| V |
E |
| N |
| W | “double you” |
F |
| O |
| X |
G |
| P |
| Y |
H | “aytch” | Q |
| Z | “…..” (UK) |
I |
| R |
| “zee” (US) |
Task 3: Alphabetical order. You should read your answers one by one. If you are right you’ll get a star, if you are wrong you’ll miss your turn. For each correct answer you’ll get a star (10 stars)
To find words in the dictionary, you need to know alphabetical order. Put the words below into alphabetical order – the first two have been done for you.
teacher student textbook pen classroom test
pencil study course learn blackboard revision
Blackboard 2. Classroom 3._________ 4. ________ 5._________ 6.__________
7. ________ 8._________ 9. __________ 10. __________ 11. _________ 12. _________
Break - Undoubtedly you know the ABC well. Now we are going to listen to the famous song about the English alphabet and your task will be after the first listening repeat the words you heard. If you have the most correct answers you’ll get the star. (1 star). (A to Z letters. The other ABC song by Fluency MC).
Task 4: And the last task for today is The alphabet race. Who is ready raise your hands, for each correct answer you’ll get one star. (8 stars).
See how quickly you can work out the following.
What’s the 14th letter of the alphabet? _____________________________________________________________
What’s the 7th letter from the end of the alphabet?________________________________________________
Make two words starting with the 4th letter of the alphabet?_____________________________________
Make a word from the 1st, 20th, 7th, and 15th letters of the alphabet.______________________________
How many different letters appear in the word embarrassed?__________________________________
Make two words that end in the 20th letter of the alphabet._______________________________________
Which letters in the word society come between В and P in the alphabet?______________________
Which letters occur twice in realize and once in scream?________________________________________
Подведение итогов: Well, today we’ve done the great work. Now we know how it is important to know the alphabet and spelling. I’d like to thank you for your participation and I hope you’ve got fun of the contest.