«Весна — лето 2025»

Тест по английскому языку по теме "Праздники" (3 класс)

Тема "Праздники"- популярная тема в любой стране.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Кайгородова Татьяна Михайловна, учитель английского языка английской язык,3 класс

1.Cross the odd one out.

a) celebrate b)invite c)decorate d)purple

2.Choose the right answer. Dave and Kate make a cake.

a)æ ] b) [ ei ] c) [ ai ] d) [ а ] 

3. Choose the right answer. People decorate a Christmas tree.

a) birthday b) New Year c)Halloween d) Thanksgiving Day

4. Choose the right word. We ______our friends and have a merry party.

a) invite b)are c)sing d) come

5. Choose the right word. Last year we decorated my room with 17 balloons.

a) seven b)seventeen c) seventy d) sixteen

6. Choose the right word. At 12 we usually give gifts.

a)two b) twenty c)twelve d) ten

7. Choose the correct form of the verb "to be". The New Year______ joyful.

a) is b) are c) were d) am

8. Choose the right word. Santa Claus comes through a chimney and puts gifts for children into. ______

a) chimney b) stockings c) fireplace d) Christmas tree

9. Choose the correct form of the verb . We______ many gifts to our friends last year.

a) give b) gave c) gives d) given

10 .Choose the right word. We had a surprise party.

a) yesterday b) tomorrow c) now d) next week

11. Choose the correct form of the verb . Yesterday we ______ Christmas cards to our friends.

a) send b) sent c) sends d) sell

12. Choose the right answer. Did they dance to music?

a) yes, they did. b)yes, they do c) yes, they does d) yes, they done

13. Choose the right word. ______ games did you play?

a) What b)Where c) Why d) When

14. Choose the correct pronoun. Our mother cooked tasty food. We helped. ______

a)him b) she c)her d) them

15. Choose the correct form of the verb . We ______got a nice Christmas Tree today.

a) has b) had c) having d) have

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