«Весна — лето 2025»

Тест для проверки знаний студентов 1 курса по грамматике английского языка

Задания на выбор правильного ответа по темам: глаголы to be to/to have, Present Simple/Present Continious, множественное число существительных, личные и притяжательные местоимения, степени сравнения прилагательных

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки


1 вариант

To be / to have

1. My grandmother … a teacher.

a) Am

b) Is

c) Are

d) Will

2. You ... nine years old.

a) Am

b) Is

c) Are

d) Will

3. Ann … got two brothers.

a) Is

b) Have

c) Has

d) Are

4. … you got a pen?

a) Are

b) Have

c) Has

d) Is

5. It … very cold yesterday.

a) Is

b) Was

c) Were

d) Will be

Present Simple / Present Continuous

1. They … for us near the door.

a) Are waiting

b) Waits

c) Is waiting

d) Am waiting

2. Harry … television every day.

a) Is watching

b) Watch

c) Watches

d) Are watching

3. What … in the room now?

a) They are doing

b) Are they doing

c) Do they do

d) They do

4. Ann … French at all.

a) Isn’t speaking

b) Not speaks

c) Doesn’t speaking

d) Doesn’t speak

5. Mr. Scott … German to Ann at the moment.

a) Speaks

b) Is speaking

c) Are speaking

d) speaking

6. I am busy now. I … to the radio.

a) Am listening

b) Listen

c) Am listen

d) Listening

7. They … to the seaside every summer.

a) Are going

b) Goes

c) Go

d) Is going

8. No, I … the newspaper at the moment.

a) Am not reading

b) Don’t read

c) Don’t reading

d) Amnt reading

9. No, she … in this house.

a) Isn’t live

b) Don’t live

c) Doesn't live

d) Lives not

10. Where … he is from?

a) Are you thinking

b) Do you think

c) Are you think

d) You don’t think

Choose the right answer

1.Our two … are crying all the time.

  1. babies

  2. babys

  3. babyes

2.No news … good news.

  1. is

  2. are

3.… usually fly not very high.

  1. flyes

  2. flys

  3. flies

4.These potatoes weigh five … .

  1. kiloes

  2. kilos

5.I don’t like going by car. If I have a chance, I always go on … .

  1. foot

  2. feet

  3. foots

6.What do you need these … for?

  1. boxs

  2. boxes

7.My new Swiss watch … 3 minutes slow.

  1. is

  2. are

8.Those were the happiest days of our … .

  1. lifes

  2. lives

  3. lifees

9.Leaves usually … trees in autumn.

  1. leaf

  2. leave

  3. leafs

  4. leaves

10.Rock music of the 1970s is an extremely interesting cultural … .

  1. phenomen

  2. phenomena

  3. phenomenon


1. I think you have met Sarah, a friend of … .

a) My

b) Mine

c) Me

d) I

2. I have shown Mr. Scott my pictures. Could you show … to … ?

a) Her, him

b) Her, his

c) Hers, him

d) Hers, his

3. Students then repeat sentences … after another.

a) One

b) Each

c) Everyone

d) Every

4. …. Would like to live in a terrible house like this.

a) Everyone

b) No one

c) Anybody

d) Anyone

5. Just choose … you like and I’ll pay.

a) Everyone

b) Some thing

c) Nothing

d) Anything

Degrees of comparison

1. My brother is … and … than me.

a) Older, stronger

b) More older, more strong

c) More old, more strong

d) Older, more stronger

2. The train is … than the horse.

a) Fast

b) Faster

c) More fast

d) More faster

3. My mother is … than my father.

a) Serious

b) Seriouser

c) More serious

d) More seriouser

4. Please, come … not to be late.

a) Early

b) More early

c) Earlyer

d) Earlier

5. This book is … and … than that one on the left.

a) Cheaper, more beautiful

b) More cheap, more beautiful

c) More cheap, beautiful

d) Cheaper, beautifuler

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