«Весна — лето 2025»

Test for 5 grade

олимпиадные задания 5 класс. слушание, чтение. письмо.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки


5 grade

  1. Auding: listen to the text. Choose one correct answer.

  1. She is … .

A) a teacher B) a student C) a worker

  1. Her name is … .

A) Jane B) Sue C) Penny

  1. She goes to school … .

A) in London B) in a little town C) near London

  1. She lives … London .

A) in B) near C) far from

  1. She lives with her parents and … .

A) a sister B) two brothers C) a brother

  1. Her brother is … .

A) four B) forty C) fourteen

  1. She has a … .

A) dog B) dog and a cat C) cat

  1. She likes … .

A) playing football B) watching football on TV C) going to a football match

  1. she goes to a football match.

A) Sometimes B) Usually C) Once a week

  1. She … .

A) likes sports very much B) doesn't like sports C) hates sports

  1. Reading: read the text. Choose a correct answer. А) True B) False C) Doesn’t say

A bear is a large, heavy, strong animal with thick fur and a very short tail. There are several kinds of bears, black bears, polar bears, and grizzly bears. The brown bear lives in the forests and mountains of Northern America, Europe and Asia. Bears live alone; they never live in groups. Mother bear usually has from one to four baby bears. They are born in the winter and drink their mother’s milk. They live with their mother for one or two years. Bears often spend much of their winter sleeping. Before winter they eat a lot of food. Bears can be dangerous to people.

  1. A bear has small eyes.

А) True B) False C) Doesn’t say

  1. Bears can be black.

A) True B) False C) Doesn’t say

  1. Bears don’t live in Europe.

A) True B) False C) Doesn’t say

  1. They live in groups.

А) True B) False C) Doesn’t say

  1. Mother bear has more than five babies.

А) True B) False C) Doesn’t say

  1. Baby bears are born in the winter.

А) True B) False C) Doesn’t say

  1. Baby bears live with their father.

А) True B) False C) Doesn’t say

  1. Baby bears hunt with their mother.

А) True B) False C) Doesn’t say

  1. Bears eat a lot before winter.

A) True B) False C) Doesn’t say

  1. Bears are never dangerous.

A) True B) False C) Doesn’t say

  1. Use of English: think and do grammar and vocabulary tasks.

  1. Choose a correct answer

a foot -

A) foots B) footes C) feet D) foot E) feets

  1. Complete sentence.

My mother’s sister is my _____________.

А) uncle B) sister C) aunt D) daughter E) grandmother

  1. Choose an extra word.

А) cat B) mouse C) rabbit D) tail E) dog

  1. Match "numbers" and " letters"

  1. 55

  2. 5

  3. 15

  4. 505

  5. 50

a) five

b) fifty-five

c) fifty

d) fifteen

e) five hundred and five

А) 1-b, 2-a, 3-d, 4-e, 5-c

B) 4-b, 3-a, 2-d, 1-e, 5-c

C) 1-a, 2-c, 3-e, 4-b, 5-d

D) 1-с, 2-a, 3-d, 4-e, 5-b

E) 1-b, 2-е, 3-d, 4-a, 5-c

  1. Сontinue a series of numbers: first, second, third, fourth, ____

A) five;
B) fifth;
C) fifteen

  1. Fill in the blanks.

Dad … any brothers or sisters?

  1. Have Dad got

  2. Does Dad have

  3. Does Dad has

  1. Make an affirmative sentence, placing the words in the correct order according to the numbers.

  1. usually  2) for  3)  in  4) I  5) go  6)walk  7) evening  8) a  9) the

  1. 2 4 7 9 1 3 5 6 8

  2. 4 1 5 2 8 6 3 9 7

  3. 8 6 5 3 1 9 7 4 2

  4. 7 9 3 6 8 2 5 1 4

  5. 9 7 5 3 1 4 2 6 8

Find a common word for each line.

weather, season, months, sports, family

  1. ____: rainy, sunny, warm, snowy, cloudy.

  2. ____: mum, grandma, dad, grandpa, brother.

  3. ____: volleyball, table tennis, hockey, football.

  4. ____: winter, spring, summer, autumn.

  5. ____: December, June, August, September.

  1. Cultural Awareness: choose a correct answer

  1. The capital of Great Britain is …
    A) New York B) Washington C)London

  2. Who climbs the chimney and puts presents into the stockings on the eve of Christmas in Britain?
    A)Father Frost B)Santa Claus

  3. Madame Tussaud's is

A) a wax museum in London

B) a famous American cartoon family

C) a British actor and producer

36. Make a dialogue.
1) Where are you from?
2) Hi!
3) I am from Britain
4) Hello!


  1. Read the words, categorize them.

(pupil, sweater, gymnastics, kitchen, hat, hamster, pen, football, potato, ping-pong, butter, dress, book, golf, mouse, tennis, dog, parrot, banana, cat, shoes, apple, jeans, socks, duck, door, monkey, lion, TV-set)







  1. Writing. Write about yourself.

Name ____________________________________________________

Surname __________________________________________________

Home address ________________________________________________

Date of birth ______________________________________________

Family _____________________________________________________

Favorite subjects_____________________________________________

What are your hobbies?_____________________________________

Favorite sports_____________________________________________

Do you have any pets?_______________________________________


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