«Весна — лето 2025»

Самостоятельная работа

Два варианта проверочной работы по английскому языку разработаны с целью проверить уровень знаний учащихся, а именно:

умений составлять разделитальные вопросы, времена английского глагола и написать письмо.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

№ 1

  1. Complete the questions by the correct question tag:

  1. You’re going to go to Moscow, …………….. ?

  2. It wasn’t really interesting,…………………..?

  3. Your pet is better,………………………..?

  4. They like sitting ta home,……………………?

  5. Mum cooked fish for dinner,…………………..?

  6. You hadn’t great time on holidays,……………………………..?

  7. He can’t help us,………………………………?

  8. She will go dancing tomorrow,……………………?

  9. It wasn’t a good Sunday,……………………………?

10)They don’t take you,……………………….?

  1. Underline the correct form:

  1. They have walked/have been walking all night.

  2. The children have been playing/ played at the playground yesterday.

  3. I wrote/have been writing since 5 o’clock without a break.

  4. I did/have been doing a lot of work last Sunday.

  5. She has cooked/has been cooking all Saturday.

3.You have got a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Carol, who writes:

It was a great day out. Is there a nice place not far from where you live? What is interesting about it? Do you think foreigners would enjoy it?

By the way, I’m feeling better, so I can start dancing lessons again. Write a letter to Carol.

In your letter

  • answer her questions

  • ask 3 questions about her health

Write 90-100 words

Remember the rules of letter writing.


  1. Complete the questions by the correct question tag:

  1. You aren’t going to go to the cafe, …………….. ?

  2. It isn’t really fine,…………………..?

  3. Your English isn’t fluent,………………………..?

  4. He doesn’t like going out,……………………?

  5. Mum doesn’t cook meat last Sunday,…………………..?

  6. You always go camping on holidays,……………………………..?

  7. He can invite me,………………………………?

  8. She won’t go shopping,……………………?

  9. It was a good party,……………………………?

10)A boyfriend presented flowers to her,……………………….?

  1. Underline the correct form:

  1. They have danced/have been dancing all party.

  1. The children have been sitting/ sat at home all day.

  2. I typed/have been typing all morning without a break.

  3. I did/have been doing a test last weekend.

  4. She has called/called last Saturday.

3.You have got a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Ben, who writes:

I was thinking about what we were talking about on the phone the other day. Do you agree with me that pop music has run out the ideas? Is there any good Russian music? What will be the future of pop music look like? I just don’t know after that terrible concert I went last Saturday.

Write a letter to Ben.

In your letter

  • answer his questions

  • ask 3 questions about the concert he went to

Write 90-100 words

Remember the rules of letter writing.

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Серия олимпиад «Весна — лето 2025»

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