«Весна — лето 2025»

Разработка урока английского языка на тему "Заказ номера в гостинице"

Иностранный язык входит в общеобразовательную область «Филология». Язык является важнейшим средством общения, без которого невозможно существование и развитие человеческого общества. Основное назначение иностранного языка состоит в формировании коммуникативной компетенции, т.е. способности и готовности осуществлять иноязычное межличностное и межкультурное общение с носителями языка. Учебная дисциплина «Иностранный язык (английский)» входит в цикл ОГЭС и в соответствии с рабочей программой ее целью является - помочь изучающим язык овладеть как навыками устной и письменной английской речи, так и навыками перевода профессионально-ориентированных текстов.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Урок английского языка по теме «At the Hotel»

Рычагова Ольга Викторовна, преподаватель английского языка КГАПОУ «Добрянский гуманитарно-технологический техникум им. П.И. Сюзева»

Иностранный язык входит в общеобразовательную область «Филология». Язык является важнейшим средством общения, без которого невозможно существование и развитие человеческого общества. Основное назначение иностранного языка состоит в формировании коммуникативной компетенции, т.е. способности и готовности осуществлять иноязычное межличностное и межкультурное общение с носителями языка. Учебная дисциплина «Иностранный язык (английский)» входит в цикл ОГЭС и в соответствии с рабочей программой ее целью является - помочь изучающим язык овладеть как навыками устной и письменной английской речи, так и навыками перевода профессионально-ориентированных текстов.

Тип урока: систематизация и проверка знаний

Метод проведения: ролевая игра

Цели урока:


- систематизировать знания студентов по теме “Заказ номера в гостинице” и продолжить знакомство с деловым английским;

- отработать навыки студентов в заполнении анкет и других деловых бумаг.


- развивать языковые, интеллектуальные и творческие способности студентов;

- способствовать развитию коммуникативных навыков и навыков аудирования.


– воспитывать умение работать в коллективе (группе), поддержание интереса к обучению;

- формировать личностные качества: самостоятельность, трудолюбие, творчество.

Оснащение урока: персональный компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, раздаточный материал (бланки анкет, буклеты)

Учебная литература: Богацкий И.С., Дюканова Н.М. Бизнес-курс английского языка: Словарь-справочник – Киев: Логос,1999.-352с.

CD Английский: Путь к совершенству 2. Полный интерактивный курс. Intermediate Level

Ход занятия:

1. Организация начала урока.

а) Объявление темы урока и ввод в ситуацию. Все игроки разбиваются на несколько команд, распределяют между собой роли, составляют монологи и диалоги, готовят игровой материал. Используется изученный фонетический, грамматический и лексический материал по темам.

  • Визит иностранной делегации. Знакомство.

  • На таможне. Паспортный контроль.

  • В отеле. Бронирование номеров. Регистрация в отеле.

  • Службы быта и сервисное обслуживание.

The theme of our lesson is «At the hotel». There is an International Trade Fair in New York. Businessmen from different countries are coming to the Trade Fair: from Canada, Russia, England, German and France. The schedule of the Trade Fair is busy: sessions, sittings, round-table talks, conferences, interviews, exhibitions and a large social program.

б) Речевая зарядка.

Before people go on a trip to another country they read something about the country they are going to or speak to those people who have been there. So, what do you know about the USA?

  1. Ситуация "В аэропорту"

a) We are at the airport now. Make up dialogues with your partner according to the follwing situations.

Составьте диалоги со своим партнером по следующим ситуациям.

  1. You’ve arrived at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York. Now you are to go to the Immigration.

Вы прилетели в международный аэропорт имени Джона Ф. Кеннеди в Нью-Йорке. Теперь вам надо пройти иммиграционный контроль.

  1. After that you are looking for a cart and your baggage.

Вы ищите тележку и свой багаж.

  1. Then you go through the Customs and talk to Customs Inspector.

Вы проходите через таможню и разговариваете с инспектором таможни.

Ниже представлен примерный диалог.

At the Customs

На таможне

Inspector: Put your bugs on the table, please and give me your Customs form. Mm...How long are you planning to stay in the country?

Passenger: Three weeks.

Inspector: Do you have anything to declare?

Passenger: Sorry?

Inspector: Cigarettes, alcohol?

Passenger: No.

Inspector: Any plants, fresh fruit and meat?

Passenger: Oh no.

Inspector: Will you open your bag, please? Are you bringing any gifts into the country?

Passenger: No.

Inspector: What’s in the bottle?

Passenger: It’s medicine.

Inspector: Okay. Here’s your Customs form.

Passenger: What should I do with it?

Inspector: Do you see that inspector over there? Give it to him.

Passenger: I see. Thank you very much.

б) Вас встречают представители компании «International Express Ltd». Ребята выходят и кратко рассказывают о себе. Ниже приведены примерные высказывания.

My name is Russell Brundon. I am a sociologist and a head of the UNESCO group. I am from London, Great Britain. I speak English, French and Italian. My hobby is reading. I'm very hardworking, because I like my profession most of all. I am a reliable friend. I am 40. I am divorcee, but I have a son. My son is a schoolboy. He lives with his mother. Г like my job and my family. I'm very lucky to be here.

My name is Maurice Morgan. I'm from Montreal, Canada. I am a historian by education, but they say, I'm an artist by nature. Painting is my hobby, but I'm just a beginner. My mother is French; my father is American, so it's difficult to say what nationality I am. I'm not married yet.

Ребята «знакомятся», задают друг другу вопросы.

I would like you to meet …- Я хочу представить вам…

May I introduce… - Позвольте представить вам…

I'd like to introduce you to...- Я хочу представить вас… -

This is… - Это…

3. Работа по тексту «Hotels»

а) Чтение текста.

When people travel they almost always stay at hotels or guest-houses. It is necessary to remember the following:

  1. The first thing to do is to book a room in advance by letter, telephone or telegram, or you may arrive at the hotel and be told that there are no rooms available.

  2. On arrival at the hotel go to the reception desk and confirm your reservation. The clerk will then give you a registration form to fill in and sign (the form is filled in block letters).

  3. At large hotels you may ask for any service by telephone. You tell the telephone operator if you want to be called at a certain time; you call room service when you want a meal or drinks; if you need something (say, a suit or a dress cleaned or pressed).

  4. Let the hotel manager know in advance the day and the time of your departure.

б) Проверка понимания прочитанного. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
Why is it necessary to book a room in advance?

What do you do on arrival at the hotel? What services can you ask for at large hotels by telephone?

4. Ситуация «В гостинице»

You have booked the rooms in the hotel by phone, so on arrival you must confirm your reservation, get the key and fill in your hotel cards. This is a manager of our hotel; he wants to tell you about the hotel.

а) Выступление менеджера.

Our hotel is modern and well-equipped. We have single rooms and double rooms. The rooms are comfortable and clean. There is a private bathroom, a TV-set, a fridge in each room. The price for a night is reasonable. Breakfast is between 7 and 10 downstairs in the restaurant. Lunch is from 11 till 1.30, tea is about 5 and dinner is at 6 or 7. But our visitors can also order meals by phone.

There are coffee-stalls and snack-bars on every floor of the hotel. There is an information stand in the lobby of the hotel. The hotel has some facilities: a barber's and a hairdresser's, a foreign currency bank, a post-office, a dry-cleaner's, a shoe repair shop and a laundry. All of them are on the ground floor. Our hotel was specially built for congresses, conferences and business meetings. If you want to have a meeting here you may use our conference-hall. It is equipped with the simultaneous multilingual translation system. It is on the 5-th floor. And now, dear guests, I invite you to come to our receptionist to make arrangements about the rooms.

б) Заказ номера в гостинице. Просмотр буклетов. Ниже приведены примерные диалоги.

1. - Excuse me, can you spare me a minute? I believe you have a room for me. My name is Russell Brundon.

  • Oh, good morning, Mr. Brundon. We are waiting for you. We can offer you a single room from today for 7 days.

  • I'm a head of the UNESCO group, a Professor of Sociology. I hope my room is the best your hotel can offer?

  • Mr. Brundon, your room is the best in our hotel. It is very clean, comfortable, cosy and quiet. Your room is sunny. It faces the yard.

  • Is there a shower?

  • There's a private bathroom, a TV-set, a telephone and a fridge in it.

  • How much is it?

  • It costs 70 dollars a night.

  • It is a reasonable price.

  • Could you fill in this form, please? Will you sign here, please? Here is your key.

2. - My name is Arthur Clark. I'm a participant of the International Trade Fair.

Can you offer me a room?

  • Yes, we can. We can offer you room No 36. It's a single room. It costs 35 dollars a night. How long are you going to stay at our hotel?

  • Till Monday. By the way, what facilities are there in the hotel?

  • There's a barber's, a hairdresser's, a foreign currency bank, a post- office, a dry- cleaner's, a shoe repair shop and a laundry. All of them are on the ground floor.

  • Thank you.

  • Here is your key.

3. - Can you spare me a minute?

  • Certainly.

  • Have you any vacancies for a week? I'm a participant of the International Trade Fair. My name is Wesley West.

  • Yes, I can offer you a room on the first floor.

  • How much is it?

  • 40 dollars a night. Here is your key.

  • We would like to have a business meeting here.

  • No problem. Our hotel was specially built for congresses, conferences and business meetings. You can use our conference-hall.

  • That's all right then. Glad to hear it.

4. - Can we have two single rooms with bath for a week?

  • I'm afraid, we are booked out, but you may have a double room for few days.

  • I think we could do with one double room.

  • All right then. Your room is number 37. Here is your key.

5. - I've booked a room from today for 12 days. My name is Pat Harris.

  • I'm sorry, but we are practically booked out. Better try our chain hotel. Here is its address.

  • Thanks a lot.

Manager: Dear guests! Your hotel cards must be filled in immediately on your arrival.

Каждый участник получает карточку посетителя гостиницы и заполняет левую часть ее внешней стороны. Образец карточки посетителя гостиницы

Hotel Reservation Form

Imperial Hotel has following accommodation possibilities:

______Standard Room (single) EUR170

______Standard Room (double) EUR190

Particular Requirements______________________________________________

(Smoking/Non Smoking)

Prices are for accommodation with breakfast (service and tax included).






Arrival Date:_______________________Departure Date___________________________




в) Аудирование. Первое прослушивание.

Ladies and gentlemen! The management of the hotel wishes you a pleasant stay at our hotel.

Listen to the information for the participants of the International Congress about our hotel. There are a lot of facilities in our hotel. The information stand is in the lobby of the hotel.

Breakfast is between 7 and 10. Lunch is from 11 till 1.30. Dinner is at 6 or 7 o'clock.

The checking hour in our hotel is 12 o'clock.

To get the key from your room you should show your hotel card.

International calls can be ordered by phone.

On your departure, pay your accommodation bill and give the key to the floor keeper.

Your guests are permitted to stay in your room from 8 o'clock in the morning till 23.00.

It is forbidden to use heating devices, to keep baggage in your room, to keep birds and animals in your room.

Установка на второе прослушивание: You have this information on your hotel cards. Listen to it once again and then you will read your hotel cards. Втрое прослушивание. Затем выполнение следующего задания.

Open your hotel cards. There is something wrong with them. Read the information and complete the sentences correctly. Write down the number of the correct ending of the sentences.

Учащиеся выполняют задание на внутренней стороне карточки посетителя гостиницы. Далее следует самопроверка. Внутренняя сторона карточки посетителя гостиницы (задания для аудирования)

  • The information stand is

1. in the lobby of the hotel.

2. on the roof of the hotel.

3. on the 5-the floor.

  • Breakfast is

1. between 7 and 10.

  1. at 6 o'clock sharp.

  2. at halt past four.

  • Lunch is

  1. at 8 a.m.

  2. at 11 o'clock.

3. from 11 till 1.30

  • Dinner is

  1. at half past 8.

2. at 6 or 7 p.m.

3. at 9 o'clock.

  • To get a key from your room your should show

  1. your passport.

2. your hotel card.

3. your visiting card.

  • International calls

1. can be ordered by telephone.

  1. can't be ordered by telephone.

  • On your departure

  1. leave the key on the table in your room.

  2. give the key to the head of the delegation.

3. pay your accommodation bill and give the key to the floor keeper.

  • Your guests are permitted to stay in your room from 8 a.m. till 23.00. It is forbidden:

  1. to sleep in the room, to invite your friends, to air the room.

2. to use heating devices, to keep baggage in your room, to keep birds and animals in your room.

  1. to use a shower, to order breakfast by phone, to watch TV after 23 o'clock

г) Устные высказывания о своих номерах в гостинице.

Manager: Do you like your rooms? Have you got any problems?

Примерные высказывания:

I have a double room. My room is number 48. My room is large enough. The room is very comfortable, clean, cozy, and sunny. There is a TV-set, a fridge, a telephone in it. It faces the yard, so it isn't noisy. But I share the room with an opera singer. He likes his job very much. He is a good, talented singer. He is a strong and clever man. But he rehearses day and night. When he is rehearsing, Г can't work and I can't sleep. I need a room to work and sleep in, not to listen to his songs. Are there any vacant rooms in the hotel?

My room is large enough. It faces the garden, so it is quiet. But I don't like a man who is next door to me. He is a musician. He plays the violin. He is preparing for the Tchaikovsky Competition. But it is very annoying. I need privacy for my work. Can you offer me another room?

Менеджер предлагает гостям другие номера, решает проблемы.

5. Составление отзывов

Manager: We have a book for references in our hotel. Would you like to give a reference to our hotel?

Учащиеся пишут отзывы на внешней стороне карточки посетителя гостиницы.

6. Итоги урока и информация о домашнем задании

Преподаватель анализирует работу игроков, объявляет победителей в парных и коллективных формах общения на английском языке. Учитывается этикет делового общения, обращается внимание на фонетику, произношение, использование лексического материала, особенно профессиональной лексики.

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