«Весна — лето 2025»

Проверочная работа по английскому языку для 6 класса

Проверочная работа по английскому языку составлена с целью проверить уровень знаний учащихся 6 классов в области грамматики: степени сравнения прилагательных и в области чтения.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

  1. Open the brackets:

  1. Restaurants are ……………………………..(expensive) than eating at home.

  2. Who is the ……………….(tall) student in your class?

  3. This dish is………………….(good) than that one.

  4. Our school is the …………………….(good).

  5. Tuesday was (difficult)…………………..than Monday.

  6. These jeans are…………………(cheap) than mine.

  7. My new flat is …………………………..(big) than old one.

  8. She is the……………………………..(beautiful) of all!

  1. Find and correct the mistakes:

  1. Gold is gooder that silver.

  2. This is the expensive suitcase!

  3. Ann is uglyer of me.

  4. Jim is the shorter than Robert.

  5. I’m more thirsty than you.

  6. He is more intelligent boy in our class.

  7. Monday is the better day for me.

III) True or false?

One of the greatest holidays in Britain is Christmas. People pay great attention to its symbols. Starting from the front door till the food on the table you can find a lot of evidence of their love.

Who has not heard about Christmas stockings? It is said that one night Santa flew over the chimney and dropped some gold coins into the socks hung to get dry. So now every year people put stockings above the fireplace and wait for surprises.

The Christmas tree is also a part of this holiday. We can see a star on the top of it symbolizing Bethlehem star which revealed the birth of Jesus.

Today almost everyone knows «Jingle Bells» or «Merry Christmas» songs. The word «carol» means «songs of joy». So, singing some joyful carols at Christmas night can bring you a lot of happiness.

One of the sweet symbols is a candy cane. It is a caramel cane-shaped stick, white and red. It reminds the letter «J» according to the name of Jesus Christ.

Thus, the British give a special meaning to many things to celebrate this holiday.


0. One of the greatest holidays in Britain is Christmas.

        1. True 2. False 3. Not stated

  1. Sledges are one of the most famous symbols of Christmas in Britain.

        1. True 2. False 3. Not stated

  2. Every year people hang stocking only to make them dry at Christmas.

        1. True 2. False 3. Not stated

  3. The British put Christmas tree in their gardens.

        1. True 2. False 3. Not stated

  4. Singing Christmas songs brings people a lot of fun.

        1. True 2. False 3. Not stated

  5. The shape of candy cane symbolizes joy.

        1. True 2. False 3. Not stated

IY) Answer the questions:

6. What symbols of British Christmas are mentioned in the text?

7. Where do people usually hang Christmas stockings?

8. What does the Christmas star symbolize?

9. Do people sing songs at Christmas?

10. Candy canes are blue, aren’t they?

  1. Open the brackets:

  1. Fast food restaurants are the ……………………………..(quick).

  2. Who is the ……………….(intelligent) student in your class?

  3. This dish is………………….(tasty) than that one.

  4. Our school is the …………………….(good).

  5. Tuesday was (bad)…………………..than Monday.

  6. These jeans are…………………(long) than mine.

  7. I am the…………………… (friendly) person.

  8. My new flat is …………………………..(comfortable) than old one.

  9. She is the……………………………..(pretty) of all!

  10. This test is ………………………..(easy) than the previous one.

  1. Find and correct the mistakes:

  1. Gold is expensiver that silver.

  2. Spring is gooder than winter.

  3. This is the heavyest suitcase!

  4. Ann is more beautiful of me.

  5. Jim is the taller than Robert.

  6. I’m more hungry than you.

  7. He is tallest boy in our class.

  8. Monday is the baddest day for me.

  9. This café is the most expensive than all.

  1. Translate into English:

  1. Историческая земля 5. Дружелюбный посетитель

  2. Изумительная смотровая площадка 6. Быстрый шаг

  3. Опрятное помещение 7. Лучший офис

  4. Приятный случай 8. Худший этаж

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