«Весна — лето 2025»

Project «Famous people»

проект о знаменитых людях. Знаменитые писатели, актеры и артисты.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

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My presentatoin  «Famous people»

My presentatoin «Famous people»

Edgar  Rice Burroughs

Edgar Rice Burroughs

Edgar Rice Burroughs was born in Chicago, USA in 1875.

Edgar Rice Burroughs was born in Chicago, USA in 1875.

IIn family of George Burroughs and Mary Evalayn Saiger.

IIn family of George Burroughs and Mary Evalayn Saiger.

He was fourth son in the family. He had family in 1900. His wife had name Emma Centania of the Hulbert.

He was fourth son in the family. He had family in 1900. His wife had name Emma Centania of the Hulbert.

He studied in school`s Brown. Then he studied in school`s Malpetuso for girls. Then he studied in school`s Endvitsky.

He studied in school`s Brown. Then he studied in school`s Malpetuso for girls. Then he studied in school`s Endvitsky.

Then he was in army. But thorough 10 moths he left army.

Then he was in army. But thorough 10 moths he left army.

Then he became a writer.

Then he became a writer.

He wrote «Under the Moons of Mars», «Tarzan off the Apes», «John Carter».

He wrote «Under the Moons of Mars», «Tarzan off the Apes», «John Carter».

His works were in Pulp magazines. His alias was «Normal Bean», but in the magazines «Norman Bean» was written. Then he had company`s Edgar Rice Burrough , Ins.

His works were in Pulp magazines. His alias was «Normal Bean», but in the magazines «Norman Bean» was written. Then he had company`s Edgar Rice Burrough , Ins.

I like book`s «Tarzan of the Apes». This is very interesting adventure about one man.

I like book`s «Tarzan of the Apes». This is very interesting adventure about one man.

This is very popular writer and in our days.   Презентация  Котлярова Григория  7В класса

This is very popular writer and in our days. Презентация Котлярова Григория 7В класса

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