Выполнила Петрова Т.Н., учитель английского языка МОУ СОШ №5 г. Петрозаводск

Russia is the largest country in the world.

Where is Karelia situated?
What is your favourite place in Petrozavodsk?

What is there in the south of Russia?
What is there in the north of our country?

What big rivers of Russia
do you know?
I know the Volga, the Ob, the Lena,
the Amur, the Yenisei, ………

What big cities of Russia can you name?
Which cities did you visit?
Saint Petersburg
Nizhniy Novgorod

What places in Russia do tourists like to visit?
Moscow, Red Square, the Kremlin

What lake in Russia is famous all over the world? - Lake Baikal.

The Island of Kizhi is a popular place for tourists.

Thank you for attention.