Form 7 “B”
The theme of the lesson: ‘ Characteristics of birds’
The aim of the lesson: to develop pupils’ skills reading and speaking skills using texts about birds, to enrich vocabulary and practise their pronunciation.
The form of the lesson: non-traditional.
The procedure of the lesson
Сабақтың барысы
Сабақтың кезені | Сабақтың барысы | уақыт |
Ұйымдастыру сәті | 1) 2) II Training: a ball You must give each other this ball and a pupil who has a ball in his hand must say a few words about himself: “My name is… and so on” 3) Warm up: Brainstorming p.38 ex1 Сабақтың мақсаты мен тақырыбын хабарлау. Цель урока умение составить краткую характеристику птиц - способствовать составлению утвердительных предложений по теме - развитие навыков устной речи - воспитывать бережное отношение к птицам | 6 |
1.Іс-ірекет тәсілдерін және жаңа білімді еңгізу
| T: IV Presentation of the words: characteristics birds, according to the presentation. Pronunciation of the words. (write them in your vocabularies) Feather, fly, flippers, swimming, migration explanation | 12 |
(топпен жұмыс) |
. V Practice answer the questions
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3.Рефлексия Түсінгендерін алғашқы тексеру | Now we’ll try to do cards for each group. Each group has similar cards and who managed to do it first. You have ten minutes to do it. Clasters and presentation | 10 |
Іс-ірекет тәсілі мен білімдерін бекіту
Рефлексия: What new things have you learnt at the lesson? What was the most interesting for you? What were you not so good at? «ФРАЗЕОЛОГИЗМ» или «ПОСЛОВИЦА» Выберите фразеологизм или пословицу которые характеризуют вашу работу сегодня Шевелить мозгами Краем уха Хлопать ушами
T: Thank you for your work. Good bye. H/w learn new words.
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