«Весна — лето 2025»

My Dream School

In today’s advanced world of education it isn’t a problem to find the school which will meet the requirements of modern youth. The dream school is a place where children and teenagers can study in comfortable atmosphere. Also, the dream school should be rather loyal without any discrimination on racial basis, age, national origin, gender or ability level. It is important that students concentrate on their educational achievements and social life. It would be also good if every school had designed a special program for disabled children and those with special needs. To convert an ordinary school into an ideal one a set of certain changes is needed.

First of all, an ideal school needs a passionate staff of teachers, who can encourage students and lead to higher results. They should also be able to use special techniques and strategies in their work. If teachers show high expectations, their students will surely succeed in academic sphere. Secondly, the students should be engaged in learning process by active participation. It would be good if they continued the learning process even after the classes. Learning can significantly change if students start assessing their progress and if they try to improve the results. Parents are also a part of ideal school community. They should be trustworthy on the first place. If they are engaged in studies by helping to educate their children, it greatly facilitates the learning process.

Other features of dream school include a good canteen, modern equipment and classroom facilities, interactive syllabus, a blend of indoor and outdoor activities, foreign exchanges. Good canteen is rather important for schools, because students spend long hours learning and healthy food is what they need. Spacious and light classrooms with modern equipment are a must in ideal school. The syllabus should be presented in an interactive manner, so that the students visualize material, understand, learn and get involved. A blend of indoor and outdoor activities is also important as the students get bored spending long hours in classrooms. Ideally schools provide foreign exchange programs to satisfy students’ curiosity and intercultural awareness.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

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