«Весна — лето 2025»

Module Test 4 Spotlight 7 Контрольная работа по 4 модулю английский язык уч.Spotlight 7

Тест разработан для учеников с затруднением в усвоении грамматических времен 7 классов с использованием пройденного и проработаного материала из учебника, для более успешного решения контрольной работы.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Module Test 4. Spotlight 7

I. Listen to the reports. Number them in the order you hear them.

A – a pop concert

B – a demonstration

C – a fashion show

D – football finals

II. Read the text. Then mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).

British teenage magazines

About half of British young people aged 12 to 16 read teenage magazines! Two of the most popular magazines for girls are “Sugar” and “Bliss”. They have glossy, colourful covers and include beauty and fashion, celebrity gossip, real life stories, horoscopes, quizzes and problem pages.

Of course, boys don’t usually find these magazines very interesting. Instead, they buy music magazines like “NME” or magazines about sport, like “Shoot” or “Match”.

Usually, teenage magazines contain a lot of language that only teenage use! They might use ‘celeb’ instead of celebrity, for example, or ‘fave’ instead of favourite. This makes the magazines more attractive to teenagers and easier to understand.

1. The most popular magazines are “Bliss”, “Sugar”, “NME”, “Shoot”, “Match”.

2. Boys like to read “Sugar” magazine.

3. The teenagers use ‘celeb’ instead of favourite.

4. The girls’ magazines are about gossip, real life stories, beauty advice.

5. Boys are interested in quizzes and horoscopes.

III. Look at the feature titles and match the titles to the categories (a-g).

1 This month’s horoscopes!

A stars & celebrities

2 Get Perfect Skin!

B health & beauty

3 Our top 10 summer outfits

C fashion

4 We tickets to a Champion’s League match

D regular features

5 Britain’s hottest new boy bands

E competitions & offers

6 Do your friends really know you?

F quizzes

7 The Generation Gap

G articles


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