«Весна — лето 2025»

Магнетизм тақырыбына тапсырмалар уш тілде

Connecting “Cobra” and inductor use voltage (+/-) with wires

Олимпиады: Физика 7 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Activity 1

Materials: battery cell, an iron nail (5cm long) a steel nail, a switch, steel pins connecting wires and insulated copper wire.

·         Draw a circuit diagram on the board.

·          wind an insulated copper wire very closely over the iron nail. this makes a coil.

·          attach the connecting wires to the two ends of the coil and connect them to battery cell through a switch.

·          keep the switch off and bring some steel pins near one end of the nail.

Question: Does the nail attract them?

·         turn the switch on and see if the nail attracts the pins now.

Question: predict what will happen if the current is switched OFF.

·         Now turn the switch OFF to verify your prediction.

·         Now repeat the same procedure with a steel nail and find out the difference.

· Question What do you conclude from this activity?

After their response tell them that nails can be made electromagnets by passing current through a coil. Iron nail is magnetized temporarily but steel nail is magnetized permanently when placed in a current carrying coil.

Activity 2

Materials: battery cell, a disc shaped magnet, two safety pins and pieces of wire.


Wind the insulated wire to form a coil.

Take safety pins and bend them with the help of pliers.

Mount the bent safety pins on a wood block and place the coil between safety pins as shown in figure

Attach the wires from battery holder to the bent safety pins and place battery cell into the holder.


Place a magnet on top of the wood block just underneath the coil.

Give a spin to the coil gently to get the motor started. By this, it will start rotating.

When a current carrying coil is place in magnetic field, a force acts on it which moves it in and out and the coil rotates. Electric generators and motor work on this relationship between current and magnet force.

Activity 3

·          Identify the devices which use electromagnets.

·          Present their findings in class discussion.

·          Electromagnetic devices on the board and discuss about it.









 When an ordinary iron nail is placed inside a current carrying coil, will it become a temporary magnet or a permanent magnet?

2.       Which material can be magnetized permanently with the help of electric current?



.       Can we say that magnet compass is an electromagnetic device?

How can an iron nail be made a magnet by electric current?


Where are electromagnets used?

Homework task

List at least seven devices present at their homes in which electromagnets are used.

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