«Весна — лето 2025»

Контрольная работа по английскому языку на тему:"Степени сравнения прилагательных" 5 класс

Проверка знаний по степеням сравнения прилагательных

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Степени сравнения прилагательных:

1.Распределите следующие прилагательные в три колонки:

1          2         3
nice      nicer      nicest

modern; reasonable; many; more; dearer; best; most important; good; worse, high; cheapest; light; less; more polite; higher; dear; most modern; bad; cheap; more important; little; better; important; highest; dearest; polite; worst; lighter; most polite; more modern; most reasonable; cheaper; most reasonable; most; least; lightest.

2. Вставьте пропущенное слово:

1) Kate is …  than Ann.

a) beautiful b) beautifuler c) more beautiful

2) Monkeys are …  than cats.

a) funny b) funnier c) more funnier

3) Who is the  … pupil in your class?

a) good b) goodest c) best

4) Tom is the …  pupil in the class.

a) bad b) worst c) baddest

5) This is a very …  story.

a) good b) gooder c) better

6) Summer is …  than autumn.

a) good b) gooder c) better

7) Mrs Smith is the … teacher.

a) best b) badder c) worse

8) Is Tom …  than his brother?

a) clever b) cleverer c) more cleverer

9) This test is the …  .

a) difficultest b) most difficult c) difficult

10) This street is …  than that street.

a) noisier b) more noisier c) noisiest

11) Who is the  … runner in the class?

a) best b) goodest c) most good

12) Are frogs …  than snakes.

a) more ugly b) uglier c) ugly

13) The car is  … than the bike.

a) better b) badder c) gooder

14) This film is …  than that film.

a) interestinger b) more interesting c) interesting

15) Bob is  … than Tom.

a) healthy b) more healthy c) healthier

16) This story is …  than that story.

a) worse b) badder c) worst

17) Rats are  … than mice.

a) biggerer b) bigger c) more bigger

18) Ann is … than Jane.

a) politer b) polite c) more polite

19) This street is the … in the city.

a) widest b) widerest c) wider

20) July is …  than May.

a) nice b) nicerer c) nicer

3. Раскройте скобки и поставьте прилагательные в нужной форме.

1. Mountain Everest is (high) mountain in the world.

2. Sherlock Holmes was (good) detective in London.

3. Go and pick an apple from (near) tree.

4. Tokyo is (big) city in the world.

5: Rebecca is(nice) than Jane.

6. Mrs Brown is (tall) than Mrs Taylor,

7.1 think English is (easy) than French.

8. John is (bad) skier in the school.

9. This is (funny) joke I know.

10. Cindy is (clever) girl in the class.

11. My football socks are (dirty) than yours.

12. I find French (interesting) than history.

13. The new hotel is (modern) building in our town.

14. Tony is (intelligent) boy in our class.

15; Good health is (good) than money.

16. This is (wonderful) place for a holiday.

17. I find French (difficult)than English.

18. Karen is (pretty) girl in the class.

19. He is (ugly) man in the world.

20. The giraffe is (tall) animal in the world.

4. Ответьте на вопросы, следуя образцу, и запишите их.

Образец: Which is longer: a mile or a kilometer? A mile is longer than a kilometer.

  1. Which is longer: an hour or a minute?

  2. Which is higher: a mountain or a hill?

  3. Which is bigger: a ship or a bus?

  4. Which is longer: a sea or a river?

  5. Which is more difficult: to go on foot or to go by train?

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