«Весна — лето 2025»

Контрольная работа 8 класс

Контрольная работа по теме " Образование ". Включена лексика по теме, грамматика

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Контрольная работа по английскому языку

8 класс ( 1 полугодие)

  1. Match the words with its definitions:

    1. Ordinary school a. Earliest in time or order of development

    2. Primary school b. Not unusual,common.If nothing unusual happens we shall move in the ordinary way

    3. Curriculum c. Means out into force by the law,order. Education is compulsory for all children in great Britain.

    4. Compulsory d. A course of study offered in a school,college or university. The secondary school curriculum includes interesting subjects

  1. Use the Past Perfect Continuous to complete the sentences.

    1. Her eyes were red. It was clear she (cry). 2. Mrs. Thompson (wait) for 3 quarters of an hour before the secretary came. 3. Jane was tired. She (do) her room since afternoon. 4. Alex said he (stand) there since 6 o'clock. 5. Jill (study) English for 5 years before she visited the USA. 6. It was late at night when he realized that he (work)with computer for 5 hours.

  1. Put the correct prepositions from the following list:

From, in, with, between, of, at, to, on

  1. Harry started school ….. the age of five.

  2. They have a holiday … Christmas.

  3. There is a holiday… the summer, too.

  4. The teachers … the school are very young.

  5. Dan goes …. A secondary school.

  6. He ''ll probably pass …. Good marks.

  7. Betty is a teacher … English.

  8. Her pupils are… 12 to 18.

  9. She is very strict … them.

IV Complete the sentences.

  1. Our school is … far from the centre of the town.

  2. If you come to our school you will see a … school yard around it and a sports… behind it.

  3. Our school has got three …..

  4. The primary classes are located ….

  5. Our home … in Maths and English were very difficult.

  6. If you look around the library hall you will see many … of… writers and actors.

  7. The pupils like to go… because they like sports games.

  8. The class rooms for… forms and… rooms for all pupils are located on… and… floors.

  9. English is the most … in the world.

  1. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. После окончания четырехлетней начальной школы она пошла в среднюю школу.

2. Обучение в начальной и средней школах продолжается одиннадцать лет.

3. Школьный год продолжается девять месяцев

4. Девятилетнее обучение является обязательным для всех.

5. Обязательное обучение в США начинается с пяти лет.

6. Когда детям исполняется семь лет, они идут в начальную школу, которую заканчивают в одиннадцать лет.

7. Главные предметы в американской школе – английский язык, математика, биология и химия.

8. Американские школьники носят школьную форму.

9. Мальчики и девочки в частных американских школах не учатся вместе.


    1. 1-b. 2-a 3-c. 4-d

    2. 1. Had been crying. 2. Had been waiting. 3. Had been doing 4.had been standing. 5. Had been studying. 6. Had been working

    3. 1. At 2. On 3. C in. 4.from 5. At. 6.to. 7. Of. 8. Between. 9. With

    4. 1. Not. 2. Wide. 3. Floors. 4. On the ground floor. 5. Work. 6. Pictures of famous. 7. Gymnasium. 8. Secondary,computers, the first, second . 9. Widespread language.

    5. 1. after graduating from a four-year-old elementary school, she went to secondary school

2. Primary and secondary school education lasts eleven years

3. the school year lasts nine months

4. Nine years of classes are compulsory for all.

5. Compulsory education begins at the age of five in the USA

6. When the children are seven they go to junior school which they attend until eleven.

7. The main subjects in American school are – English, Maths, Biology and Chemistry.

8. Children of American schools wear a uniform.

9.Boys and girls in private American schools do not study together



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