The 20 th of March.
I like English very much.

Translate into Russian
- Summer
- Autumn
- Winter
- Spring
- January
- July
- June
- October
- November
- Cold
- Rainy
- hot
- December
- August
- May
- Cloudy
- Snowy
- Foggy
- Fog
- Windy
- Sun
- Sunny
- February
- March
- April
- September

What modal verbs do you know?

What modal verbs do you know?
1. Можно я пойду погулять ?
a) Must I go out? b) May I go for a walk?
2. Тебе следует взять зонт, идет дождь.
a) You can take an umbrella, it's rainy. b) You should take an umbrella, it's rainy.
3. Вы должны носить форму в школе .
a) You must wear a uniform at school. b) You should wear a uniform at school.
4. Нельзя забывать кормить своего питомца .
a) You must forget to feed your pet. b) You mustn't forget to feed your pet.

Out odd word
- Summer , pen , autumn , winter , spring
- Foggy , sunny , mother , cloudy
- Sweater , jeans , cold , dress
- Nose , hair , table , leg , eyes
- March , April , hot , May
- Red , green , yellow , sun , blue

Possessive case. Translate into English
- 1 . Ручка Джейн
- 2.Юбка мамы
- 3. Платье сестры
- 4. Свитер брата
- 5.Книга учителя
- 6.Шляпа девочки

Find the words

Письменное упражнение.

Make up sentences
- I , a student , am.
- He , football , likes.
- They , games , play.
- We , football , play.
- My , Ann , is name.

Answer the questions
1.What is your name?
2.What is your surname?
3.How are you today?
4.What is your mother’s name?
5.What is your father’s name?
6.Have you got a sister/brother?
7.What is your favorite color?

С hoose the correct translation:
Холодно Sunny
Ветрено Windy
Жарко cloudy
Снежно snowy
Облачно hot
Солнечно cold