«Весна — лето 2025»

How do you go to school?

Открытый урок по английскому языку.

Тема: How do you go to school?

Класс: 3

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Nurzhau common secondary school

Open lesson

How do you go to school?

Form : 3 «Ә»

Teacher: Mazhitov Aibek

2016-2017 year

Short term plan

Theme: Unit 6. Lesson 1. How do you go school?

School: Nurzhau common secondary school

Date: 21.02.17

Teacher name: Mazhitov Aibek

Class: 3 «Ә»

Number present: 14

Absent: -

Learning objectives(s)

that this lesson is

contributing to

To learn to speak about types of transport and to be able to say how to children go to school;

To train new words and to develop the pupil's habits in oral speech, writing and reading;

Lesson objectives:

All learners will be able to:

pronounce the new words with teachers support

Most learners will be able to:

pronounce the new words and use the prepositions by,to in sentences with little support

Some learners will be able to:

ask questions using question structure “How do you go to….? and describe your favourite transports using the new words without support

Language objectives:

Key words and phrases: a bus, a car, a trolleybus, a metro, a bike, a tram, a plane, a ship, a train

Useful classroom language for dialogue: How do you go to school?

Previous learning:

Ex 3.p 45.Workbook




Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)





I. Phonetic drill Tt [t]                                    

[t] - hat                                      

[t] – T -shirt                                    

A hat, a coat, a T-shirt and boots are clothes

er her term serve

ir [З:] girl bird circle circus

ur Thursday turn burn


Look at the blackboard, and think what about the picture. What do you see in the blackboard?

III.Today our theme is “How do you go to school?” It is a new topic for you and I want to show the new words which you have to learn.

- Look at the pictures, then try to guess what these words mean:

a bus – автобус a bike - велосипед

a car – көлік a tram - трамвай

a trolleybus – троллейбус a plane - ұшақ

a taxi – такси a train - пойыз

a metro - метро a ship – кеме

-Then we learn the adjectives

fast – slow тез – баяу comfortable -uncomfortable ыңғайлы-ыңғайсыз

IV. Now  I`ll  divide  you  into  two groups

First  answer the questions.

-How do you go to school?

-I go to school by bus.

V. «Dialogue in stickers». Work in pairs.

1st groupmake dialogue using words in stickers

2nd group – make dialogue using the pictures of transport.

VI. Play a game “Find the sound”

Pupils listen to transports sound, then try to guess what transports sound

a plane, a bus, a car, a trolleybus, a tram, a taxi

VII. «Think, group, share ».Work in pairs

1st group – find the fast and slow transports

2nd group – find the public and private transports

VIII. Play a game “ Transport world”

Put the pictures of transports in the right form in three column.




a bus, a car,

a tram, a bike

a ship, a bot

a plane,

a helicopter










presentation slides

pictures of



presentation slides


pictures of


video sounds of transportation

A4 paper


pictures of



IX.Creative work.

Now, pupils let’s draw your favourite transporst and then describe.

Ex: My favourite transport is a plane. It’s a big, long, fast and comfortable.


A4 paper

coloured pencils


Did you like the lesson?

Was it useful for you?

You all worked very well. I’m pleased with your аnswer. Now pupils, at the and of our lesson let’s write your opinions for this lesson.

If you liked this lesson put the stickers in apple tree.

If you didn’t like this lesson put the stickers in lemon tree.



Ex 1.p 46.



Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support?

How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you

planning to check learners’


Cross-curricular links –English,Kazakh

Health and safety check ICT links

Values links

more able pupils will assess others, help them in team and final speaking about your favourite transports in a village. Less able students are given many chances to repeat the words to learn and objectives are created to support them

group leader’s assessment

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