«Весна — лето 2025»

Грамматические контрольные работы.

Контрольные работы дают возможность проверить усвоение учащимися употребления времен, наречий и степеней сравнения прилагательных.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки


V1 V2

  1. Put the sentences into negative and interrogative form:

  1. We were in Moscow last year. 1. I ate many sweets yesterday.

2. I helped my mother last Monday. 2. She was at home last week.

3. He played football with his friends 3. He drank much milk

yesterday. yesterday.

  1. Fill in the gaps, using - was or were:

  1. I … five last year. 1. My parents … in Africa last year.

  2. We … in America last month. 2. I … seven yesterday.

  3. My friend … at school yesterday. 3. He … at the stadium last week.

  4. My sisters … at home yesterday. 4. My father … at work yesterday.

  1. Give the two forms of the verbs:

Вставать, пить, плавать, думать, Есть, бегать, покупать, знать, сказать, приходить, быть, класть. думать, видеть, делать, идти.

GRAMMAR TEST 5 th form

  1. Form the degrees of comparison:

Good, bad, funny, big, beautiful, interesting.

  1. Ask a general question and disagree:

  1. There is some milk in the glass.

  2. There were some apples on the plate.

  3. There was some coffee in the cup.

  4. There are some eggs on the table.

  1. Fill in – much or many:

  1. Were there … animals at the Zoo?

  2. Are there … sweets in the box?

  3. There isn’t … milk in the glass.

  4. Are there … holidays in a year?

  5. There was … water in the cup.

  6. There is … cheese on the plate.

  1. Ask questions:

  1. They will buy a nice sweater in the shop tomorrow.

  2. Liz will wear her new dress at the party next week.

  1. Translate into English:

The ( самое теплое ) season of the year is summer. In Britain summer months are ( май, июнь, июль и август ). In summer I (надеваю шорты, футболку и иду на прогулку ). Spring is (холоднее ) than summer, but ( теплее ) than winter. Spring is (самое красивое ) season. There (будет) many flowers in spring.

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