«Весна — лето 2025»

English is a language of the world.

Разработка урока предназначена для 10 класса. Цель- обобщение и закрепление ранее изученной темы.Совершенствование навыков говорения и письма.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Тема урока: “English is a language of the world”

Цели урока:

Обобщение и систематизация знаний по теме.

Формирование речевых умений, умения коммуникативного общения.

Расширение кругозора учащихся и познавательной деятельности.

Развитие личностной активности учащихся.

Оборудование: раздаточный материал + (карточки с дополнительными заданиями по теме), презентации, компьютерный экран, проектор, доска.


I. Оргмомент. Создание атмосферы иноязычного общения.

Приветствие, сообщение о теме и характере работы на данном уроке.

Teacher: Good morning! Take your seats, please, and be ready for our lesson. If you are ready for the lesson, let’s start.

The theme of our lesson is “English is a language of the world”. Today we are going to speak about the role of foreign languages in the life of the people and in your life. We are going to act dialogues, have some tasks in reading and speaking, get some new information, then we’ll review some grammar material while using new words and expressions.

Let’s read the epigraph of our lesson.

На доске: “Who doesn’t know foreign languages, doesn’t know his own”. (I. Goethe) Слайд 1

What do you think about it?

II. Развитие умений в говорении. Слайд 2,3

Do you like English?

What English-speaking countries do you know?

What is the official language in all these countries?

What words can help us to describe English?

T:Think over and say what your associations with the word “language” are?

Слайд 4.

On the screen we have these words and their definitions. I would like you to match them.

III. Reasons for learning English. Слайд 5.

There are different reasons why people all over the world learn English. Choose and name 3 important reasons of learning language for you and comment your answer.

IV. Развитие навыков устной речи.

Let’s remember and check up your knowledge about schools in England.

1.When does compulsary education begin?

2.How long does primary education last?

3.How many per cent of children attend state schools?

4.What are the types of secondary school in England?

V. Чтение учащимися текста с извлечением информации. (Распечатки текста)

What countries have English as an official language?

What countries have English as a second language? Why should people learn English? Why should we living in Kazakhstan learn English too?


VI. Развитие монологической речи.

T: I asked you to do some research work and find out why do we learn English.

Are you ready to show your presentation? Учащиеся в группе отвечают по теме.

VII. Работа в парах.

I want you to work in pairs and make the dialoguies. Start conversations with words…..

A- Is it difficult for you to learn English?

B-How long have you been learning English?

VIII. Improve your Grammar. Закрепление Conditional Sentences.

  1. If I (to work) hard I (to speak) English better.

  2. If she (to learn) English better she (to read) English books.

  3. If they (to return) back at 4 o’clock we (to go) to the library.

  4. If you (to speak) Kazakh every day, you (to improve) your language skills.

  5. If he (to go) abroad, she (to see) a lot of sights.

IX. Итоги урока.

a) T: Do you agree with the epigraph of the lesson?

(Учащиеся читают эпиграф к уроку ещё раз). Let’s read the epigraph of the lesson once again.

P1: Yes, of course. I agree with Goethe that …, etc.

b) Вывод:

T: Now you see that English has become the standard language of international communication and mass culture. I see that practically all of you will need English in future. I wish you success in learning it. Thank you for being active at the lesson. Your marks for the lesson are the following (Учитель оценивает работу учащихся на уроке).

What emotions do you feel after the lesson?

Positive emotions. Negative emotions.

-surprise -irritation

-happiness -boredom

-joy -sadness

-success -unsatisfaction

-admiration - fear


I feel ……

Because I …..

- …..was /not/ bored.

-…...worked hard.

-……answered properly.

-……was active and impassioned.

-…..received a reward/ a good /bad/ mark

X. Домашнее задание.

Написать сочинение о роли иностранных языков в жизни людей.

Получите свидетельство о публикации сразу после загрузки работы

Получите бесплатно свидетельство о публикации сразу после добавления разработки

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