«Весна — лето 2025»

Education - реферат

The system of education is an important part of country’s well-being. That’s why it is crucial to optimize education. It’s obvious that the more skilled and educated people live in the country, the more successful its state is. Education is not only going to school. At different times people were educated in various ways. For example, many prominent figures got home education at first and only then acquired a certain profession. Thus, education is the system of learning in which knowledge and skills are being transferred from generation to generation.

Modern education starts at the very young age. Children aged two can already attend nursery schools, where they learn how to count to ten, to answer simple questions, to play with others and to be part of a group.

Elementary education in most countries starts at the age of 6 and continues up to the age of 11. At this stage children learn the basics, such as reading, writing, counting, adding and subtracting. Elementary education is usually free of charge in public schools, although private schools can set a certain fee.

Secondary education starts at the age of 11 and continues till students are approximately 16. This stage is compulsory as well as primary education. The main purpose of secondary school is to give common knowledge in such fields as biology, science, geography, foreign languages, mathematics, etc. This stage prepares students for further life and higher education. Some secondary schools offer professional trainings at the last years. This can require additional fee.

Tertiary education is what comes after school. Many teenagers choose to continue studying at vocational schools or universities at the age of 17. While vocational education prepares people for certain trades and crafts, providing plenty of practical training, higher education provides work towards a degree-level or qualification. Although post-secondary education is non-compulsory, most parents insist on their children to pursue it.

Unfortunately, tertiary education is rather costly. However, students, who are gifted in certain area, have a chance to get a grant or scholarship. Many world foundations, governments or non-profit organizations offer a financial aid for such students. One should just apply for scholarship and show that he or she is an eligible candidate.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

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