«Весна — лето 2025»

Are you good at Maths?

Презентация урока на тему "Are you good at Maths?", ознакомление и первичное закрепление грамматического материала " Cardinal numbers"

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Cardinal numbers

Cardinal numbers

Cardinal numbers are numbers that tell you

Cardinal numbers are numbers that tell you " how

Many (with countable nouns). " They express an amount .  

We use cardinal numbers to count people or things .

They indicate a quantity of people or objects.

e.g. I bought two bananas at the store.

How many bananas did I buy at the store?

There are seven people in my family. How many people are there in my family?

There are seven people in my family.

How many people are there in my family?

Look at the table and remember

Look at the table and remember

Read and Remember! When writing a compound number(any number made up of two words) we use a hyphen between each word.  25  twenty-five 36  thirty –six 1 23 one hundred (and) twenty – three Write the following numbers in words: 24 122 245

Read and Remember!

When writing a compound number(any number made up of two words) we use a hyphen between each word.

  • 25 twenty-five
  • 36 thirty –six
  • 1 23 one hundred (and) twenty – three

Write the following numbers in words:

24 122 245

Let’s count ! How fast can you count to 50?   1  2  3  4  5  ………………………….. 50

Let’s count !

  • How fast can you count to 50?

1 2 3 4 5 ………………………….. 50

Let’s count ! How fast can you count down from 50 to 1 ?   50 1

Let’s count !

  • How fast can you count down from 50 to 1 ?

50 1

Answer the questions How old are you? How many students are there in your class? How many girls are there in your class? How many boys are there in your class? How many people are there in your family?

Answer the questions

  • How old are you?
  • How many students are there in your class?
  • How many girls are there in your class?
  • How many boys are there in your class?
  • How many people are there in your family?

Let’s read the dialogue and act out it!

Let’s read the dialogue and act out it!

  • Woman : Excuse me. Where’s the English class, please?
  • Receptionist : English 1 or English 2?
  • Woman : Oh, English 1
  • Receptionist : English 1 is in Room 59.
  • Woman : Room 59. Where’s that, please?
  • Receptionist : It’s on the fifth floor.
  • Woman : Thank you.
Read and say the next number Eight  Twelve  Sixteen  Four  Twenty

Read and say the next number






Mathematical symbols

Mathematical symbols

  • Plus (+) 5 + 5=10
  • Minus (-) 10 - 8 = 2
  • Times (*) 2*2= 4
  • Divided by (:) 12 : 6 = 2
  • is (=)
Are you good at Maths? Ten minus five is Three times five is Nine divided  by three is Fifteen divided  by three is Five minus two is Forty plus forty is Eight times four is Five Fifteen Three Five Three Eighty Thirty-two

Are you good at Maths?

  • Ten minus five is
  • Three times five is
  • Nine divided by three is
  • Fifteen divided by three is
  • Five minus two is
  • Forty plus forty is
  • Eight times four is








Complete the numbers with the missing words

Complete the numbers with the missing words

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