Cardinal numbers

Cardinal numbers are numbers that tell you " how
Many (with countable nouns). " They express an amount .
We use cardinal numbers to count people or things .
They indicate a quantity of people or objects.
e.g. I bought two bananas at the store.
How many bananas did I buy at the store?

There are seven people in my family.
How many people are there in my family?

Look at the table and remember

Read and Remember!
When writing a compound number(any number made up of two words) we use a hyphen between each word.
- 25 twenty-five
- 36 thirty –six
- 1 23 one hundred (and) twenty – three
Write the following numbers in words:
24 122 245

Let’s count !
- How fast can you count to 50?
1 2 3 4 5 ………………………….. 50

Let’s count !
- How fast can you count down from 50 to 1 ?
50 1

Answer the questions
- How old are you?
- How many students are there in your class?
- How many girls are there in your class?
- How many boys are there in your class?
- How many people are there in your family?

Let’s read the dialogue and act out it!
- Woman : Excuse me. Where’s the English class, please?
- Receptionist : English 1 or English 2?
- Woman : Oh, English 1
- Receptionist : English 1 is in Room 59.
- Woman : Room 59. Where’s that, please?
- Receptionist : It’s on the fifth floor.
- Woman : Thank you.

Read and say the next number

Mathematical symbols
- Plus (+) 5 + 5=10
- Minus (-) 10 - 8 = 2
- Times (*) 2*2= 4
- Divided by (:) 12 : 6 = 2
- is (=)

Are you good at Maths?
- Ten minus five is
- Three times five is
- Nine divided by three is
- Fifteen divided by three is
- Five minus two is
- Forty plus forty is
- Eight times four is

Complete the numbers with the missing words